Thinking Ahead for Europe. LEARN MORE. ANNUAL REPORT CEPS 1fi – 1fi ( 3 ) of Czech Republic –TIČR). In the 2015-2016 Annual Report, CEPS highlights its successes throughout the academic year. Click Document to download Annual Report 2018. To encourage staff to continuously share their knowledge of female experts in different fields to increase the pool of women that could be invited to our own events. With an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world, CEPS has amply demonstrated its ability to anticipate trends and to analyse policy questions well before they become topics of general discussion. Back (see exact revenue data) and has 1-10 employees. Check Cepsa´s annual reports and the latest quarterly results. Dear Members and Friends of CEPS, Overall, CEPS can look back on a successful 2019. A completed reporting form in MS Excel MUST be submitted. We are proud to continue important work and strive to be an inclusive and diverse platform for debate on the EU scene. Tel: +32 (0) 2 229 39 11 Q2 2021 Results Presentation. cepsa - annual and corporate responsibility report 2019 - powered by fluidbook . Fax: +32 (0) 2 894 49 39, Next Company results. Consult Cepsa's main financial figures and access the latest annual reports and quarterly results. Email. Annual Report 2019 Impact on many levels After the big celebrations in 2018 to mark our tenth anniversary, our work continued last year with undiminished vigor. This task force will cover 8 key areas toenable the EU27 to overcome the current crisis in a way that protects the economy, society and the environment. CEPS Annual Report. Phone# 5990 0400: Fax# 5990 0499: Email: . Place du Congrès 1, 1000 Brussels CEPS Risk Management; College Advisory Board; Alumni Association Board; Organisation Chart + Strategic Plan. Inside, you’ll also find a detailed report of the two days of intense exchanges at Ideas Lab 2019, where 1,150 people debated the most pressing issues confronting the EU. The French Economic Committee for Health Products (CEPS) is primarily responsible for setting the prices of medicinal products and medical devices and the reimbursement supported by the health insurance. CEPE Annual Report 2015 . Company Profile & Annual Report for Simply Crepes Access the complete profile. Enter to know more. Admission documents. Enhance digital communications, increase the impact of research and policy outputs in the media, and modernise the CEPS brand. a. s. Centre of Excellence in Pipeline Services. By completing and filing the report in its original Microsoft Excel workbook format, CEPs will have met the Commission's reporting requirements. your browser is not up to date and is not able to run this publication. s. Centre of Excellence in Pipeline Services. Swiss Foundation Report 2020 published. CEPS Annual Report 2020: Act Flexibly. We also coordinate several projects funded by various EU entities; overall, we expect 42% to come from EU calls for tenders and grants, won in a highly competitive market. ANNUAL REPORT 2012–2013 2012–2013 CEPSa. We aim to remain innovative and to help you make sense of the fast-moving policy scene. Annual reports contain complete information about the company, including information on the web otherwise undisclosed, such as annual reports on activities and carried out projects or … Annual Report; CEPS Annual Report . Tweet it Linkedin Mail Share On Facebook. The event offered a dynamic and interactive forum to debate the von der Leyen Commission’s ambitious agenda: issues ranging from global trade wars, the Green Deal, the space economy to women in power, to name but a few of the topics we discussed. Check it out! These include a continuously diverse and balanced funding model, state of the art research, developing our skills to confront ever more complex policy challenges, enhanced communication and outreach, and increased horizontal cooperation with the organisation. Previous Next Twitter @CEPS_basel Philanthropie Aktuell What is Philanthropy? 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017 … We hosted the conference of … With thanks to an Open Society Foundation Grant, CEPS is developing a set of targets to promote diversity in the field of research and make our policy events more diverse and gender-balanced. Your failure to file your annual report pursuant to Chapter 305 § DOWNLOAD PDF. Message from our CEO and Chairman of the Board. MISSION Founded in 1996, the Center for Ethics and Public Service (“CEPS”) is a law school-housed interdisciplinary ethics education, skills training, and community engagement program devoted to the values of ethical judgment, professional … Company Profile & Annual Report for Crepes A Latte Catering Access the complete profile. The company CEPS publishes annual reports online from the business year 2007/2008 onwards. Continue reading min. Click Document to download Annual Report 2016 . We provide expert insights and policy analysis through our state-of-the-art research and constantly look ahead to the next big challenges facing Europe. We adopted a strategic plan with clear objectives to pursue in the next three years. In the 2016-2017 Annual Report, CEPS highlights its successes throughout the academic year. Q1 2021 Results Presentation . FULL YEAR QUARTERLY RESULTS. 61/1988 Sb. Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive … Friday, April 30. At CEPS, we pledge: To achieve 50-50 gender balance in panels for all of our events. Dean's Office; Postgraduate Studies & Research Office; Undergraduate Office; Training and Community Office; Director of Administration's Office-Annual Report. CEPS Annual Report . COMPANY PROFILE [3] Core business [5] Technical services overview [9] Company structure [12] Development of employees’ skills [13] Company’s technical and technological capacities development [14] Environmental profile [15] BUSINESS DATA [17] Share capital and ownership structure of the … This allows us to track the activity in the state and ensure that CEPs have not failed to file the required annual report. Related videos. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you … The annual report for calendar year 2019 is due on July 1, 2020. CEPS organised exclusive in-person and online events and receptions for our members, and our senior leadership team held its second annual strategic retreat to develop CEPS’ 2020-23 strategic plan. About QAAAU + CEPS Job Vacancies. Make an Impact as Social Entrepreneur: Register NOW for our certificate course GSE. Click Document to download Annual Report 2017. CEPS IDEAS LAB was held on 5-6 March 2020 and attracted over 1,000 attendees from Brussels and beyond! The event offered a dynamic and interactive forum to debate the von der Leyen Commission’s ambitious agenda: issues ranging from global trade wars, the Green Deal, the space economy to women in power, to name but a few of the topics we discussed. With an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world, CEPS has amply demonstrated its ability to anticipate trends and to analyse policy questions well before they become topics of general discussion. We use cookies to improve our online services. cepsa - annual and corporate responsibility report 2019 cepsa - annual and corporate responsibility report 2019 cepsa - annual and corporate responsibility report 2019 letter from t The CEPS also contributes, through its proposals, to the orientation … Share. Our policy insights are still very much appreciated by our members, stakeholders and a variety of foundations and private organisations, which is always good to hear. 2019 was marked by a stronger international orientation of the CEPS. Update the research process to anticipate policy challenges, identify research priorities and ensure the quality of research methodology. by the state mining supervision, the … Contact Us . 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018 + Quality Assurance & Academic Accreditation Unit. Revenue: N/A See Exact Annual Revenue: Employees: 1 - 10 Exact Company Size: Primary Industry: N/A: Address : 2410 Cleghorn St. #2803 Honolulu, HI 96815: Note: Revenues for privately held companies are statistical evaluations. Following its review, the Council will send a letter to each school and program confirming receipt of the annual report and, if applicable, identifying any potential concerns. Centre for European Policy Studies We are delighted to share our 2018-2019 Annual Report, in which you can read how we are influencing the EU’s strategic agenda, peruse the notable additions to our bookcase and review some outstanding examples of our past year’s research. Strategic Plan 2016-2020 ; Strategic Plan 2021-2025; College News + Admin Offices. Annual and interim accounts (including notices of AGMs) AIM notifications. The annual report is a public document. We use cookies to improve our online services. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. Simply Crepes Fast Facts. We adopted a strategic plan with clear objectives to pursue in the next three years. 3500. While the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic has shifted our expectations for teaching, learning and research, it has underscored that community and connection are core to who we are at the University. -Annual Report. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies Learn More.I accept. *EU Agencies (0.7%), EU Parliament (0.4%), Committee of the Regions and European Economic and Social Committee (0.2%), Publications (0.1%). At CEPS, researchers perform policy research on a wide range of policy areas: from the economy and finance to better regulation, the digital economy and trade, as well as energy and climate, education and innovation, foreign policy and the European integration process, or justice and home affairs. Share . CEPS designed an Individual Membership category for individual academics, politicians, government officials, and executives. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies. CEPE Annual Report 2016 . Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). Directors’ Report 4 CEPS PLC Your directors have pleasure in submitting their annual report and the audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2006. See the dates of next events in which we will present our results. Close, Better Regulation and Industrial Competitiveness, Circular Economy, Climate and the Environment, Global Governance, Sustainable Development and Smart Cities, Innovation, Digital economy and Cyber-security, European Credit Research Institute (ECRI), European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI), I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. Read about the College of Education and Professional Studies (CEPS) at the University of West Florida. Crepes A Latte Catering Fast Facts. NEW! We are delighted to share our 2018-2019 Annual Report, in which you can read how we are influencing the EU’s strategic agenda, peruse the notable additions to our bookcase and review some outstanding examples of our past year’s research. 2018 annual and corporate responsibility report af_cepsa_iarc19_eng_v9.indd 1 17/5/19 11:39 CEPS offers its institutional membership to diplomatic missions and embassies, trade associations, NGOs, universities and regional offices. 16 March 2021 Philanthropie Aktuell 01/2021: Charitable and politically active – a contradiction? Learn more about CEPS Sustainable Diversity Goals. Task Force on EU Industrial Policy after the pandemic. Our Annual and Corporate Responsibility report provides an overview of Cepsa’s main business activities and milestones each year. Ratings and Debt Issuances Find out more about our debt program and our credit ratings. our senior leadership team held its second annual strategic retreat to develop CEPS’ 2020-23 strategic plan. The College of Education and Professional Studies is one of nine colleges and Boulevard du Triomphe, 172 BE – 1160 Brussels +32(0)2 897 20 20. . Company Profile & Annual Report for Crepes of Paradise Access the complete profile. s. Centre of Excellence in Pipeline Services. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Contact Us. Annual Report Academic Year 2019-2020 . About CEPS. All of our work is carried out with a special regard and care for the environment where we operate. learn more. PRIVACY POLICY COPYRIGHT© 2020. Reducing risk of … Annual report from French Economic Committee (CEPS) Posted at 11:20h in News by Prioritis Team. Designed for international institutions, multinational corporations and other large and medium-sized companies, our corporate membership gives access to state-of-the-art research and participation in a dynamic forum for networking and exchanging ideas. Thursday, July 29. CEPS Annual Report 2020. In 2020, CEPS published more than 170 publications, including over. We are delighted to be able to count on their insights and experience to guide our work. Click Document to download Annual Report 2018. Search. Overall, CEPS can look back on a successful 2019. CEPs licensed prior to 2020, including aggregators and brokers, must file this report even if there were no transactions under its license in Maine during 2019. Contact Us . CEPE Annual Report 2014 . 2016 ANNUAL REPORT I. CEPS annual report. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. annual and corporate responsibility report 2019 . CEPS Publications Our exceptional in-house research capacity allows us to publish over 150 publications per year, ranging across 20 policy topics. Chaque année, conformément à l'article D. 162-2-4 du CSS, le CEPS remet un rapport sur l'activité de ses deux sections aux ministres chargés de la sécurité sociale, de la santé, de l'économie et de… CEPS annual report. CEPS has complete independence to set its own research priorities and enjoys freedom from any outside influence, while its wide membership base provides expertise and acts as a sounding board for CEPS policy proposals. CEPS’ revenue comes from a wide variety of sources, which is fundamental to maintaining our independence. In the 2015-2016 Annual Report, CEPS highlights its successes throughout the academic year. For the first time, CEPS includes in its annual report two comparison studies of European prices that it carried out itself. Annual reports are published in PDF in the version with lower quality of images and low data volume (screen version) as well as in higher quality of images and a larger volume of data in the print version.To view PDF documents available on the web of CEPS we recommend Adobe Reader version 9 or higher. As the only think tank in Europe covering nearly all EU policy areas, CEPS is in a unique position to provide a 360-degree viewpoint on any policy proposal and we are also able to identify potential synergies and cross-cutting implications. 2 . Email. Office Times . We are aware that our growth plans must conform to the highest sustainability standards and be based on our values. Click Document to download Annual Report 2017. COMPANY PROFILE [3] Core business [5] Technical services overview [8] Company structure [11] Development of employees’ skills and company’s capacities [12] Environmental profile [13] BUSINESS DATA [15] Share capital and ownership structure of the company [15] Liability [15] Number of … VIEWS. Dr. Andrea M. Kent, Dean (Prepared by Dr. John E. Kovaleski, Interim Dean) USA College of Education and Professional Studies Annual Report 2019 - 2020 . Finally, we are happy to welcome two newcomers to the Board: Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Caio Koch-Weser – who need no introduction from us. CEPS launched a new and improved website to make it easier for site visitors to access our latest research and stay up-to-date on European and global policy news, issues and events. Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive … Karel Lannoo CEPS Chief Executive Officer. Crepes of Paradise Fast Facts. Acquire and perform new research and policy advisory projects in strategic areas for EU policy making. The Council will review the annual reports at the first meeting for which space is available on the agenda – either winter (usually late February or March) or spring (usually June). ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 2013–2014 CEPSa. Read about the College of Education and Professional Studies (CEPS) at the University of West Florida. Among other resolutions to be proposed, the Board will seek authority to allot shares equating to 100% of its present issued ordinary share capital in line with the requirements of our acquisition strategy. In November 2020, CEPS launched a new and ambitious, CEPS organised exclusive in-person and online events and receptions for our. ANNUAL REPORT. Here is a selection of some of these projects: Build up financial stability through a strong base of long-term multiannual projects, combined with shorter, fee-based projects. We also participated in a number of tenders for the EU and national institutions, covering areas such as the EU neighbourhood, macroeconomic and financial markets, social, energy and environment policies. | CIPS ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 07 Description of Principal Risks and Uncertainties RISK PRINCIPAL MITIGATION Ability to meet Defined Benefit Pension liabilities The scheme was closed to future accruals during 2017. In considering the big picture—the theme that weaves its way through much of this report… Annual report from French Economic Committee (CEPS) Posted at 11:20h in News by Prioritis Team. Handbook on Corporate Foundation published. CEPS will be convening its Annual General Meeting to be held on 17 June 2019. CEPS is in a position to look across sectors to provide broadly-based insights. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. In November 2020, CEPS launched a new and ambitious Task Force on EU Industrial Policy after the pandemic towards a resilient and sustainable post-pandemic recovery. The primary activity of the CEPS Young Thinkers Initiative will take place online at the 2021 edition of Ideas Lab, from 31 May to 4 June 2021.The group will participate in a parallel programme with the goal of stimulating debate, connecting young bright minds with today’s leaders and envisioning the future of … Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, ranking among the top ten non-US think tanks. COMPANY PROFILE [3] Core Business [5] Technical Services Overview [8] Structure 11] Development of Employees’ Qualifications . ... year the CEPS submits its activity report to the concerned ministerial departments as well as to the Parliament.The report on CEPS 2016 activities has just been published. 0. 1,000 attendees from Brussels and beyond! While the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic has shifted our expectations for teaching, learning and research, it has underscored that community and connection are core to who we are at the University. Click Document to download Annual Report 2019. CEPE Annual Report 2017 . Centre for European Policy StudiesPlace du Congrès 1, 1000 BrusselsTel: +32 (0) 2 229 39 11Fax: +32 (0) 2 894 49 39, Pan-European Response to the Impacts of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics, Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA, Better Agri-food Trade Modelling for policy Analysis, Advanced Carbon Capture for steel industries integrated in CCUS Clusters. Click Document to download Annual Report 2019. 11 February 2021 / Research The hybridity of corporate foundations in the spotlight. launched a new and improved website to make it easier for site visitors to access our latest research and stay up-to-date on European and global policy news, issues and events. CEPS. Swiss Foundation Code: The Comprehensive Tool for Foundations. Read about the College of Education and Professional Studies (CEPS) at the University of West Florida. In 2020, CEPS published more than 170 publications, including over 60 policy contributions on issues including COVID-19, the circular economy, Brexit, EU-US-China relations, Asia-Pacific trade, and much more! In 2011 CEPS also received permission for manufacturing, installations, repairs and testing of mining dedicated technical gas devices, issued in accordance with the Act No. 2018-2019 Annual Report Including CEPS Ideas Lab 2019 Report. Monday - 8:45am - 4:00pm Wednesday - … 2010 –2011 2010–2011. Click Document to download Annual Report 2016 . Keep up to date with the latest news from CEPS, covering recent project wins, Board updates, the publication of our annual report and more. CEPS is proud to participate in 14 H2020 projects in 2020-2021. To ensure that the event time and format do not create unintentional barriers to women’s participation. A pension strategy has been implemented which included the restructuring of the Pension Trustee Board and the appointment of a sole independent, professional Trustee. Submit And this year we are publishing our staff pictures, so you can see who’s involved in thinking ahead for Europe at CEPS!
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