Mars, latinsky MÄrs, je Åímský bůh války a zemÄdÄlství. Mars (mythology) Mars was the Roman god of war (equivalent to Ares in Greek Mythology) and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. Mars anses i romersk mytologi vanligen beteckna romarnas krigsgud och likställdes med grekernas Ares.Han var son till Juno och Jupiter och biträddes av Bellona, som ibland anses som hans hustru, och han var Venus älskare.. Ursprungligen var Mars namnet på en naturgudomlighet. The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages? Dr Mars (latiin. Arch depicting the war god Mars flanked by two male attendants, it may have framed a cult statue of Mars Thincsus, from the shrine of Mars Thincsus at Housesteads, Clayton Museum, Chesters Roman Fort, Hadrian's Wall (44858023031).jpg 4,411 × 2,803; 5.28 MB Mars was de Romeinse god van de oorlog, maar had daarnaast ook nog enkele vruchtbaarheidsfuncties.Hij was bekend bij alle Italische volkeren.. Hij was de zoon van Juno (de koningin der goden) en Jupiter, de vader der goden (of van Juno alleen, bezwangerd met behulp van een magische bloem).. Oorspronkelijk was hij vooral de god van de vruchtbaarheid en ⦠Also known as Lohit (meaning: red), he is the god of war, celibate and sometimes linked to god Karttikeya (Skanda). Po Jovovi byl druhým nejvýznamnÄjÅ¡ím a nejuctívanÄjÅ¡ím bohem, o Äemž svÄdÄí i to že mÄl stejnÄ Jupiter a Quirinus svého flamena maior.Po Martovi byl Åímany pojmenována planeta Mars a mÄsíc bÅezen â mensis Martius âmÄsíc Martůvâ, který byl prvním mÄsícem roku až do roku 153 pÅ. He was the most prominent of the military gods worshipped by the Roman legions. Mangala (Sanskrit: मà¤à¥à¤à¤², IAST: Maá¹ gala) is the name for Mars, the red planet, in Hindu texts. MÄrs, MÄrtis) isch dr röömisch Chrieggott.As Vatter vum Romulus und Remus isch er au de Stammvatter vo de Römer. While the Greeks envisioned Ares as a brutal and fearsome being who relished conflict, the Romans viewed Mars as a guardian, one who brought honor and strength in battle and ⦠Mars (Latin:MÄrs, adjectives Martius and Martialis) was the Roman god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome.1 He was second in importance only to Jupiter, and he was the most prominent of the military gods worshipped by the Roman legions. Saved by Tulip B. Han synes ha varit gud för alla de fornitaliska stammarna men på så sätt att ⦠Mars is the Roman counterpart of Ares. A 1st-century Mars found in the Forum of Nerva (Capitoline Museums, Rome). 53. Týr (/tɪÉr/; Old Norse: Týr [tyËr]) is the god associated with law and heroic glory in Norse mythology, portrayed as one-handed.Corresponding names in other Germanic languages are Gothic Teiws, Old English TÄ«w and Old High German Ziu and Cyo, all from Proto-Germanic *TÄ«waz.The Latinised name is rendered as Tius or Tio and also formally as Mars Thincsus. is a book by Deborah Cameron, originally released in the autumn of 2008, which was published by Oxford University Press. He was second in importance only to Jupiter and Neptune and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion ⦠In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars (Latin language: MÄrs, Martis) was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. His festivals were held in March, the month named for him (Latin Martius), and in ⦠As Mars, he becomes more disciplined as well as even more militaristic and warlike, which is shown by his focus on martial victory rather than sheer conflict. Er isch eine vu de zentrale Götter i dr antike italische Religion, vor allem z Rom.Er isch spöter als Chriegsgott mit em griechische Ares gliichgsetzt worde, hett aber im Vegliich e dütlich wichtigeri Rolle gspiilt und isch us dem Grund au â¦
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