Japan launches its report on free and open Indo-Pacific strategy. their collective interests. The starting point of the "Indo-Pacific" strategies of Japan, Australia, India, and other countries are similar to that of the United States and aims to prevent China from becoming a dominant power of regional order. Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region (Arlington, VA: Department of Defense, 1 June 2019). h p. 8. 'Indo-Pacific strategies, perceptions and partnerships: the view from seven countries' describes these evolving perceptions of strategic shifts in the Indo-Pacific, in order to identify possible pathways towards deeper, more effective partnerships between like-minded countries. These are just some of the investments on a $20 billion wish list quietly submitted to Congress in recent weeks by U.S. Indo-Pacific Command head Adm. Phil Davidson and obtained by Defense News. As much as possible, it is based on 'Indo-Pacific strategies, perceptions and partnerships: the view from seven countries' describes these evolving perceptions of strategic shifts in the Indo-Pacific, in order to identify possible pathways towards deeper, more effective partnerships between like-minded countries. At the end of 2017, the US National Security Strategy Report issued by President Trump did not explain the “Indo-Pacific” strategy, but explicitly mentioned the "Indo-Pacific region." 7. On the occasion of the 2019 Indo-Pacific Business Forum and the East Asia Summit in Bangkok, Thailand, the U.S. Department of State released a progress report on the implementation of whole-of-government strategy for the Indo-Pacific region. "Summary of the National Defense Strategy 2018" (pdf). <>stream As much as possible, it is based on By funding projects that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth, USTDA has established itself as an essential and enduring partner to the Indo-Pacific region. The emergence of yet another minilateral framework in the Indo-Pacific attracted some interest but also raised many doubts about the sustainability of this initiative. Washington’s approaches thus far have given many in the PIR the impression that they are an “afterthought” or simply being “tacked onto the end” of the strategy. Washington’s approaches thus far have given many in the PIR the impression that they are an “afterthought” or simply being “tacked onto the end” of the strategy. Department of Defense, Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region, June 1, 2019. United States. DoD, US. Department of Defense, Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region, June 1, 2019. In June 2018, US Defense Secretary James Mattis first publicly stated the "Indo-Pacific" strategy when participating in the Shangri-La dialogue. Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy consists of three pillars: ①Promotion and establishment of rule of law, freedom of navigation and free trade, etc. France’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Quad Plus The Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Vol. The following is the recently released and declassified U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific and a statement from National Security Advisor Robert … This important report by the Department of Defense in June 2019 has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. In this context, we stated that the so-called ‘Indo-Pacific strategy’, as it was planned by the initiators, only leads to the separation of the region’s states, and is therefore fraught with serious consequences for peace, security and stability in the Asia-Pacific Region.” For India, this is an anomalous development. This report describes U.S. interests in the Indo-Pacific, challenges and opportunities the United States will likely face in the region over the next decade, the resources available to the United States for protecting and advancing its interests, and a recommended strategy for doing so. DOWNLOAD REPORT (PDF) On the occasion of the 2019 Indo-Pacific Business Forum and the East Asia Summit in Bangkok, Thailand, the U.S. Department of State is pleased to release a progress report on the implementation of the U.S. whole-of-government strategy for the Indo-Pacific region. The Department of Defense Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region - Kindle edition by U.S. Department of Defense. 2018. This report proposes one such strategy. The 2019 Indo-Pacific Strategy Report by the Department of Defense, for instance, makes good mention of Russia as a “revitalized malign actor”. In January 2019, the US’s "Indo-Pacific" strategy was fully explained in the "Indo-Pacific Strategy Report" published by the US Department of Defense. Reading the recently declassified document side-by-side, the 2019 Indo-Pacific Strategy Report highlights interesting inconsistencies. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Department of Defense Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region [U.S. Department of Defense] on Amazon.com. !D!eY��|�'t)� ��~O!t����z�cn][x}��MSje?�� Foreign Affairs. Hosting the 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum continues our mission and reaffirms our commitment to the future of this vital In the 2017 US NSS, China was labelled a revisionist state and a strategic competitor of the United States because it was seen to challenge ‘American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity’. To learn more about for the important role that Canada’s energy resources can play in a broader Indo-Pacific strategy, read the full report here. These can be seen as the U.S.’ recent actions aiming to operationalize its policy to counter China. 6 A. Mehta, “Esper Calls Chaired by Rt Hon Stephen J Harper, the 22nd Prime Minist This information is provided for historical purposes only. While it’s clear the US’ Indo-Pacific report targets China, few countries can afford to openly support the strategy and risk harming relations with Beijing. The first Indo-Pacific Strategy Report released by the Department, the document is a comprehensive articulation of DoD’s role within a whole-of-government strategy for the Indo-Pacific region. 1 June 2019. Regardless of intentions, a broad understanding of the different actors in the region is crucial for countries seeking to form strong partnerships and to establish a successful Indo-Pacific strategy. S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM ) to provide an independent assessment to Congress outlining USINDOPACOM s resourcing requirements for implementing theNationalDefense Strategy (NDS) no later than (NLT) 15March 2020. Kurt M. Campbell, Rush Doshi (12 January 2021). This report proposes one such strategy. The Department of Defense Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region (Arlington, VA: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1 June 2019). Department of Defense (DOD) released its Indo-Pacific Strategy Report that repeats the claim first made in the Trump Administration’s National Security Strategy, that China seeks “Indo-Pacific regional hegemony in the near term and ultimately global preeminence in the long term.” 1 ���i���&�{acJh��t(��:��#�H� ����Yc+����+�y��gc�-i��>� cn�1�uI�-����1��u��b(�ץ���p�0�g20t[t��o"!�Nf�!��&9uM�=V *w!C6��Ƀ]{�i�?��8�q�r���HmG��)�mO��Z#��t�:Lz��2/?� �&j�����Ce�'��&��N9&[T���LGr�ߧ#5�PSm��� ��w���T q��K�X��m��t��j����͊��'��7E�|zy����Ӟ��\S�s����K�����d$QF�v$�>��P��|���,T��[�r�(f�ґ@KE~�A��Q��)��IA� �x����w� “A Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Advancing a Shared Vision [2 MB]” details two years of diplomatic, economic, governance, and […] ②Pursuit of economic prosperity (improving connectivity, etc.) 10 years ago, Gurpreet s. Khurana, who used the word" Indo-Pacific Strategy" for the first time, was a marine strategist and executive director of the New Delhi National Marine Foundation. Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan delivered key messages from the report during his plenary remarks at the 18th Asia Security Summit: the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. Policy Exchange has convened a distinguished international Indo-Pacific Commission of current and former political leaders, military leaders, and thought leaders to help frame the scope of what a new UK strategy in the Indo-Pacific should be. 2021 INDO-PACIFIC STRATEGY FACT SHEET 1 . The Department of Defense Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region (Arlington, VA: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1 June 2019). 30 0 obj While it’s clear the US’ Indo-Pacific report targets China, few countries can afford to openly support the strategy and risk harming relations with Beijing. I would also like to acknowledge the contributing authors, Kun-Chin Lin, Kei Koga, Harsh Pant, Euan Graham, Ian Easton, David Scott, and Satoru Nagao, without The United States is a Pacific nation; we are linked to our Indo-Pacific neighbors… "How America Can Shore Up Asian Order: A Strategy for Restoring Balance and Legitimacy". MULTILATERAL ENGAGEMENT A strong, rules-based architecture anchors the U.S. vision for the Indo-Pacific region. The US Indo-Pacific Strategy Report 1. By Simone CHUN. The report assesses U.S. interests in the Indo-Pacific, analyzes the strategic environment, and inventories the strategic resources available to the United States. Founded in 1994, the Delhi Policy Group is among India’s oldest independent think tanks with its primary focus on international and strategic issues of … The Department of Defense Indo-Pacific Strategy Report: Preparedness, Partnerships, and Promoting a Networked Region USA – DoS Free and Open Indo-Pacific Advancing a Shared Vision 2019.pdf; USA – DoD Indo-Pacific Strategy Report 2019.pdf; USA – USAID Strategic Approach to Advancing America’s Vision for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific The Indo-Pacific Strategy Report proclaims that “the United States and India share a common outlook on the Indo-Pacific,” which might leave one bullish about the prospects of bilateral cooperation toward the realization of a “free and open Indo-Pacific.” Yet, at present, there are growing points of tension in the Indo-U.S. relationship. DoD, US. INFRASTRUCTURE, IDEAS, AND STRATEGY IN THE INDO-PACIFIC 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report would not have been possible without a grant from the government of Taiwan. *** Jeff Kucharski is a strategic thinker, policy entrepreneur and academic. >>/Reason()/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>> The People’s Republic of China’s Military Modernization and … In May last year, the French Ministry of Defense also published a report entitled "France's Defense Strategy in the Indo-Pacific," comprehensively discussed the security situation and France's strategy in the region. December 2017: United States: The United States identifies the Indo-Pacific as the new theater in its national security strategy. It highlights U.S. resources directed to the region with support from the United States Congress, and it notes specific steps we have taken alongside allies and partners to realize our shared vision. 2021 INDO-PACIFIC STRATEGY FACT SHEET 1 . I would also like to acknowledge the contributing authors, Kun-Chin Lin, Kei Koga, Harsh Pant, Euan Graham, Ian Easton, David Scott, and Satoru Nagao, without S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM ) to provide an independent assessment to Congress outlining USINDOPACOM s resourcing requirements for implementing theNationalDefense Strategy (NDS) no later than (NLT) 15March 2020. The following is the recently released and declassified U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific and a statement from National Security Advisor Robert … The 2019 Indo–Pacific Strategy Report did little to acknowledge the strategic importance of the PIR within its conceptualisation of a FOIP. Choose which Defense.gov products you want delivered to your inbox. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The Indo-Pacific will lead global demand for energy for at least the next several decades, driven by continued economic expansion and a population growth of about 4.3 billion people. They present their own recommendations for a different approach, one that runs counter to Cold War-era strategies. By funding projects that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth, USTDA has established itself as an essential and enduring partner to the Indo-Pacific region. The Indo-Pacific is the Department of Defense’s priority theater. Titled the “US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific,” the February 2018 document by the National Security Council is distinctly different from the June 2019 Indo-Pacific Strategy Report, which was released publicly by the Pentagon. The report details the Department’s enduring commitment to upholding a free and open Indo-Pacific. A. Mehta, "Esper Calls for New Basing Investments in the Pacific," Defense News, 8/28/19. strategic primacy” in the region, according to a copy viewed by Axios. Article was inspired by this year's edition of West Point's annual Senior Conference where scholars and practitioners discussed …
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