The hollow glass globe on this machine … 1745 deutschen Kleriker in Europa populär und weit verbreitet war Ewald Georg von Kleist und niederländischen Wissenschaftlern Pieter van Musschenbroek entdeckten unabhängig voneinander , dass die elektrische Ladung von diesen Maschinen in einer gespeichert werden könnte Leidener Flasche , benannt nach der Stadt Leiden in den Niederlanden . The assistant escaped almost unharmed, whereas Richman was dead immediately. Máquina eletrostática de Franklin - Franklin's electrostatic machine. [36] He concluded that lightning was essentially nothing more than giant electric sparks, similar to the sparks from the static charges produced by his electrostatic machine. Franklin was not the first to build an electrostatic generator. Prof. Richman and his assistant being struck by lightning while charging capacitors. It was considered America's most important scientific book of the eighteenth century. As a businessman he made investments in and helped form Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Die Glaskugeln, bekannt als "Elekterisierungskugeln", bestanden aus Glas, das wissenschaftlich entwickelt wurde, um statische Elektrizität effektiv zu erzeugen. The apparatus consisted of a rotating nine-inch (23 cm) glass globe made by Wistarburgh Glass Works of New Jersey. [19] [20] Franklin experimented not only with the electrostatic machine with the glass globe, but also with the Leyden jar. Andere sind mit dieser Ansicht nicht einverstanden und argumentieren, dass Franklin eine solche gefälschte Geschichte nicht erfinden würde, weil er die Integrität der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft schätzte. [6] [7] [8] Franklin wrote a letter to Collinson on March 28, 1747, [9] thanking him, and saying the tube and instructions had motivated several colleagues and him to begin serious experiments with electricity. Macchina elettrostatica di Franklin è un'alta tensione statica elettricità - dispositivo generatore utilizzato da Benjamin Franklin a metà del 18 ° secolo per la ricerca in fenomeni elettrici. When amber, sulfur, or glass are rubbed with certain materials, they produce electrical effects. The machine was supposedly once the property of Benjamin Franklin and was used by him in his electrostatic experiments. Franklin's experiments with Leyden jars progressed to connecting several Leyden jars together in a series, with "one hanging on the tail of the other". Zu dieser Zeit war das Wort "Batterie" ein militärischer Begriff für eine Gruppe von Kanonen . The kite experiment is a scientific experiment in which a kite with a pointed, conductive wire attached to its apex is flown near thunder clouds to collect electricity from the air and conduct it down the wet kite string to the ground. [13] [14] This gave Franklin a complete system to experiment with generating and storing electricity. [36] He referred to static electricity as "electric fire", "electric matter", or "electric fluid." März 1747 einen Brief an Collinson, in dem er sich bedankte und sagte, die Röhre und die Anweisungen hätten mehrere Kollegen und ihn motiviert, ernsthafte Experimente mit Elektrizität zu beginnen. There are two types of electric charge: positive and negative. Experiments and Observations on Electricity, The History and Present State of Electricity, "From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 28 March 1747", National Historical Publications and Records Commission, "The Wistars and their Glass 1739 – 1777", "Experiments and Observations on Electricity", "Benjamin Franklin 'faked kite experiment, Benjamin Franklin's electrical apparatus (electrostatic machine) at Smithsonian National Museum of American History. [5] Collinson was the library's London agent and provided the latest technology news from Europe. Mai 1752 erstmals in Frankreich erfolgreich durchgeführt und später europaweit mehrmals wiederholt, obwohl es nach einem Todesfall im Jahr 1753 weniger häufig versucht wurde. Franklin war der erste, der "positiv" und "negativ" für Elektrizität verwendete, die manchmal als "Plus" und "Minus" bezeichnet wird. [7], Franklin had help building his machine. Durch seine Forschungen war Franklin einer der ersten, der 1747 das elektrische Prinzip der Ladungserhaltung nachwies: Eine ähnliche Entdeckung wurde 1746 von William Watson unabhängig gemacht . Franklin's electrostatic machine. Later, he was also associated with Thomas Hopkinson and Philip Syng in experimentation with electricity. People then had little understanding of electricity, and were unable to explain the phenomena. Alle Gläser der Serie konnten gleichzeitig geladen werden, was den elektrischen Effekt vervielfachte. [22] Franklin's machine was given to Library Company of Philadelphia by Franklin's grandson in 1792, [4] and is currently on display at the Franklin Institute. However, a report on this electrostatic machine maintained in The Franklin Institute files states that Franklin does not describe a machine exactly like this one anywhere in his writings or correspondence. [4] At that time, the word "battery" was a military term for a group of cannons. A. Leo LeMay believes it was a combination of an electricity generating machine, a Leyden jar, a glass tube, and a stool that was electrically insulated from the ground. Europäische Wissenschaftler entwickelten Jahrzehnte zuvor Maschinen zur Erzeugung statischer Elektrizität. Eine ähnliche, aber weniger gefährliche Version dieses Experiments wurde am 10. In 1748, Benjamin Franklin invented what he called the electric wheel. An electrophorus or electrophore is a simple manual capacitive electrostatic generator used to produce electrostatic charge via the process of electrostatic induction. [32] A similar apparatus had been created earlier by Daniel Gralath. Jahrhundert abgeleitet. In the 1740s and 1750s, Franklin conducted many experiments in electricity which led to the discovery of positive and negative charges, the classification of lightning as an electrical … [21] He kept a detailed journal of his research in a diary called "Electrical Minutes" that has since been lost. The machine consisted of a rotating glass jar that produced an electrical charge by means of a crank wheel that was turned by hand. [50], Franklin's friend Kinnersley traveled throughout the eastern United States in the 1750s demonstrating man-made "lightning" on model thunder houses to show a how an iron rod placed into the ground would protect a wooden structure. Franklin's Electrostatic Generator information and picture from University of Maryland Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. It supplied sparks to a Leyden jar so Franklin would have a source of electricity on demand. [10] [52] [53] [54], While Joseph Priestley was writing about the history of electricity, Franklin encouraged him to use an electrostatic machine to perform the experiments he was writing about. Zwar gibt es keine Aufzeichnungen darüber, welche Teile genau im System enthalten waren, doch der Historiker JA Leo LeMay glaubt, dass es sich um eine Kombination aus einer Stromerzeugungsmaschine, einem Leyden-Gefäß, einer Glasröhre und einem vom Boden elektrisch isolierten Hocker handelte. Nach Franklins Tod wurden zwei ikonische Artefakte aus seiner Forschung, die ursprüngliche "Batterie" von Leyden-Gläsern und die "Glasröhre", die 1747 von Collinson geschenkt wurde, 1836 von Thomas Hopkinsons Enkel Joseph an die Royal Society übergeben Hopkinson nach Franklins Willen. This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: 1 Background00:04:21 2 … An iron axle passed through the globe. It was previously published in Dr Ray Vaughn Pierce's 'The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser... Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Er beschloss, sich frühzeitig aus seinem Druckgeschäft zurückzuziehen, noch Anfang vierzig, um mehr Zeit mit dem Studium der Elektrizität zu verbringen. Während Joseph Priestley über die Geschichte der Elektrizität schrieb, ermutigte ihn Franklin, eine elektrostatische Maschine zu verwenden, um die Experimente durchzuführen, über die er schrieb. Tìm kiếm các công việc liên quan đến Franklins electrostatic machine hoặc thuê người trên thị trường việc làm freelance lớn nhất thế giới với hơn 19 triệu công việc. Im Jahr 1749 erstellte Franklin eine Liste mit verschiedenen Arten, in denen Blitze der Elektrizität ähnlich waren. [13] [30]. It was the original form of the capacitor. The sharp point of the lightning rod would attract the electrical discharge from the cloud, and the lightning bolt would hit the iron rod instead of the wooden building. The publication was well received worldwide. Archibald Spencer was a businessman, scientist, doctor, clergyman, and lecturer. [21] A large pulley was attached to the crank handle, and a much smaller pulley was attached to a large glass globe. [37], Several 18th-century electric terms were derived from his name. Franklins Informationen und Bilder zum elektrostatischen Generator der Abteilung für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der University of Maryland. Während der Replikation der elektrischen Experimente veranlassten einige unbeantwortete Fragen Priestly, zusätzliche Experimente zu entwerfen, was zu zusätzlichen Entdeckungen führte. Jean-Antoine Nollet was a French clergyman and physicist who did a number of experiments with electricity and discovered osmosis. [59]. [11] [41] Franklin and his associates observed that pointed objects were more effective than blunt objects at "drawing off" and "throwing off" sparks from static electricity. Various common phenomena are related to electricity, including lightning, static electricity, electric heating, electric discharges and many others. Early electrostatic machines generated a charge by spinning a globe against a pad. Im Sommer 1747 hatten sie von Thomas Penn ein elektrisches System erhalten . Tom Tucker vom Isothermal Community College bezweifelt den Bericht jedoch aufgrund von Unklarheiten im Bericht und weist in seinem Buch Bolt of Fate: Benjamin Franklin und sein Electric Kite Hoax darauf hin. [24] The wood frame was probably made by Franklin's friend Benjamin Loxley, a Philadelphia carpenter who made similar machines for Lewis Evans in 1751. Franklin was not the first to build an electrostatic generator. If lightning hits the structure, it will preferentially strike the rod and be conducted to ground through a wire, instead of passing through the structure, where it could start a fire or cause electrocution. La macchina elettrostatica di Franklin in mostra al Franklin Institute . Zwischen 1747 und 1750 sandte Franklin seinem Freund Collinson in London viele Briefe über seine Experimente mit der elektrostatischen Maschine und dem Leyden-Gefäß, einschließlich seiner Beobachtungen und Theorien zu den Prinzipien der Elektrizität. Franklin nannte die von der Maschine erzeugten Funken "elektrisches Feuer". Franklin erkannte, dass Holzgebäude vor Blitzeinschlägen und den oft auftretenden tödlichen Bränden geschützt werden konnten, indem ein spitzes Eisen auf ein Dach gelegt wurde und das andere Ende der Stange tief in den Boden gesteckt wurde. Cadastre-se e oferte em trabalhos gratuitamente. Scientific understanding into the nature of electricity grew throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through the work of researchers such as Coulomb, Ampère, Faraday and Maxwell. Francis Hauksbee entwickelte um 1704 einen fortschrittlicheren elektrostatischen Generator unter Verwendung einer Glühbirne mit Vakuum. [1] The glass tube was a less effective static generator than the globe, but it became more popular because it was easier to use. Miễn phí … His lecture demonstrations were on medicine, light, and electricity. Diese Entdeckung wurde zuerst von Hopkinson berichtet. [12] [42] This discovery was first reported by Hopkinson. Gift of Benjamin Franklin Bache, 1792. [13] While no records exists to tell exactly what parts were included in the system, historian J. Die wissenschaftlichen Labors des 18. Franklin's electrostatic machine is a high-voltage static electricity-generating device used by Benjamin Franklin in the mid-18th century for research into electrical phenomena. Wistarburgh Glass Works stellte auch wissenschaftliches Glas für die Leyden-Gläser her, die Franklin in den 1750er Jahren verwendete. Franklin was the first to call the device an "electrical battery". Early knowledge of how charged substances interact is now called classical electrodynamics, and is still accurate for problems that do not require consideration of quantum effects. [3] In 1745, German cleric Ewald Georg von Kleist and Dutch scientist Pieter van Musschenbroek discovered independently that the electric charge from these machines could be stored in a Leyden jar, named after the city of Leiden in the Netherlands. The basic mechanical design was developed by Philip Syng. The word electrophorus was coined by Volta from the Greek ήλεκτρον ('elektron'), and ϕέρω ('phero'), meaning 'electricity bearer'. Eine große Riemenscheibe war am Kurbelgriff angebracht, und eine viel kleinere Riemenscheibe war an einer großen Glaskugel angebracht. [48] [49], To test his theory, Franklin proposed a potentially deadly experiment, to be performed during an electrical storm, where a person would stand on an insulated stool inside a sentry box, and hold out a long, pointed iron rod to attract a lightning bolt. Franklin verteilte Kopien der elektrostatischen Maschine an viele seiner engen Mitarbeiter, um sie zu ermutigen, Elektrizität zu studieren. [12] These letters were collected and published in 1751 in a book entitled Experiments and Observations on Electricity. It typically consists of a glass jar with metal foil cemented to the inside and the outside surfaces, and a metal terminal projecting vertically through the jar lid to make contact with the inner foil. Saved by albert ralph. [10], In 1746, Franklin began working on electrical experiments with Ebenezer Kinnersley after he bought all of Archibald Spencer's electrical equipment that he used in his lectures. Jahrhunderts enthielten normalerweise eine Art handbetriebene elektrostatische Maschine. This was the first device that converted electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of continuous mechanical motion, in this case, the moving of a bell clapper back and forth between two oppositely charged bells. Franklin's electrostatic machine Contents. Benjamin Franklin's electrostatic motor Although Franklin left no drawing of his motor, his description of it in a letter to Peter Collinson, a Fellow of the Royal Society, enabled Jefimenko to reconstruct a working model [see illustration at right]. Beispielsweise war statische Elektrizität als "Franklin-Strom" bekannt, und " Franklinisierung " ist eine Form der Elektrotherapie, bei der Franklin Patienten mit starken statischen Aufladungen schockierte, um Patienten mit verschiedenen Krankheiten zu behandeln. Da Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre . Background. Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 31. European scientists developed machines to generate static electricity decades earlier. Illustration depicts a Franklin electrostatic machine, used to generate electricity for study, 1895. Illustration depicts a Franklin electrostatic machine, used to generate electricity for study, 1895. Description. Lightning rods are also called finials, air terminals, or strike termination devices. Oktober des Drachenexperiments wird vom Historiker LeMay als Grundlage für den Beweis angeführt, dass der Blitz Elektrizität ist. Electrostatic machine (used by Benjamin Franklin), 1742-1747. The knowledge of static electricity dates back to the earliest civilizations, but for millennia it remained merely an interesting and mystifying phenomenon, without a theory to explain its behavior and often confused with magnetism. The electric charge from the lightning would flow through the rod directly into the earth, bypassing the structure, and preventing a fire. Dies gab Franklin ein komplettes System, um mit der Erzeugung und Speicherung von Elektrizität zu experimentieren. Military Terms Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Its key components are a glass globe which turned on an axis via a crank, a cloth pad in contact with the spinning globe, a set of metal needles to conduct away the charge developed on the globe by its friction with the pad, and a Leyden jar –a high-voltage capacitor –to accumulate the charge. Gulf Stream exploration, naming, and chart, President, Pennsylvania Abolition Society, "Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress" (1745), Proposed alliance with the Iroquois (1775), Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky, Cities, counties, schools named for Franklin. [16] [34] [35] In 1749, Franklin made a list of several ways in which lightning was similar to electricity. Eine Eisenachse fuhr durch den Globus. Franklin vermutete, dass dieses "elektrische Feuer" irgendwie aus diesem anderen Material gesammelt und nicht durch die Reibung auf dem Objekt erzeugt wurde. [15] A similar but less dangerous version of this experiment was first performed successfully in France On May 10, 1752, and later repeated several more times throughout Europe, though after a fatality in 1753 it was less frequently tried. [31] Franklin specified the materials to be used in the glass formula, and the globes were manufactured by Caspar Wistar, a close associate of Franklin. Er zog mit seiner Frau in ein neues Haus in Philadelphia, wo er ein Labor baute, um Experimente durchzuführen und neue elektrische Theorien zu erforschen. The machine was unique improvement over others made in Europe at the time, as the glass globe could be spun faster with much less labor. Until his work in 1729 the emphasis had been on the simple generation of static charges and investigations of the static phenomena. The charge could then be used directly in experiments or transferred from the globe to a Leyden jar. Wenn Bernstein , Schwefel oder Glas mit bestimmten Materialien eingerieben werden, erzeugen sie elektrische Effekte. Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. Im Jahr 1745 schenkte Peter Collinson , ein Geschäftsmann aus London, der mit amerikanischen und europäischen Wissenschaftlern korrespondierte, der Franklin's Library Company in Philadelphia eine deutsche "Glasröhre" mit Anweisungen zur Herstellung statischer Elektrizität . Der Franklin-Brief von 1752 an Collinson vom 19. Electrostatic generators operate by using manual power to transform mechanical work into electric energy. An object with an absence of net charge is referred to as neutral. The electrostatic machine was designed and built with help by Thomas Hopkinson, Ebenezer Kinnersley and Philip Syng, associates of Franklin in these electrical experiments. In 1663, Otto von Guericke generated static electricity with a device that used a sphere of sulfur. Die elektrische Ladung ging weiter durch eine perlenbesetzte Eisenkette, die als Leiter fungierte, zu einem Leyden-Gefäß, das die Elektrizität erhielt. Priestly entwarf und verwendete seine eigenen Variationen von Franklins Maschine. [43] He thought something could be made to attract the electricity out of storm clouds, but first he had to verify that lightning bolts really are giant electric sparks. The charge could then be used directly in experiments or transferred from the globe to a Leyden jar. His demonstrations and experiments raised the interests of the German scientific community and the public in the development of electrical research. Máquina eletrostática de Franklin (em inglês: Franklin's electrostatic machine) é um dispositivo de geração de eletricidade estática de alta-voltagem usado por Benjamin Franklin na metade do século XVIII para pesquisas sobre fenômenos elétricos.
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