Of particular interest was how Warburg was able to establish these important connections prior to his arrival in the U.S. in 1913 and then orchestrate this financial coup. While visible efforts were seen by politicians to try to separate terrorists from Muslims in general, it has not been easy. He had returned, on this trip to the U.S., after lecturing in Paris. That was my whole intention. Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years! The published biographies of GHSII/GHWB, son of GHSI/PSB, claim that he was born in Milton, Massachusetts, on June 12, 1924. Foreign military and intelligence agencies under their control include the German SS, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (underground Abwehr/DVD), the British MI6 and MI5, the Israeli Mossad, NATO, Interpol, the KGB, the Chilean DINA, and even the United Nations, to name a few. 5a. This shipping company, with the aid of the most corrupt New York bank, almost single-handedly was responsible for the infiltration of Nazis into the U.S.—both before and after the war. Osama Bin Laden was eventually tracked down and killed some 10 years later. 2. Could you provide sources/evidence for that? For years it has been suspected that this happens—around the world, not just in the US. The relationships are (intentionally?) Evidently, the New Zealand House of Representatives and the New Zealand Maritime Museum both felt the conviction of “George Scherff, Able Seaman” was a significant event in maritime history, which resulted in its publication, not only in the Annual Journal of the House of Representatives, but also on the New Zealand Maritime Museum’s own web site. Both TWIII and GEW found their way to Bloomington, Illinois, though their relationship is suspiciously omitted from public records in the United States. [Image: USGS map of eastern Virginia, altered by BLDGBLOG.] His whole goal was…. At the start of June 2013, a large number of documents detailing surveillance by intelligence agencies such as the US’s NSA and UK’s GCHQ started to be revealed, based on information supplied by NSA whistle blower, Edward Snowden. The destruction of these documents did little to erase other government records that showed an affinity of this “family” to conduct business with the Nazis. Reddit; WhatsApp; Table of contents Go to top. Also according to wikipedia, In 1900, GHW “…started a banking and investment firm named G.H. The Bush family “history” claims that the young Prescott “attended the Douglas School,” also in Columbus, Ohio. The rest of the article below started shortly after the 9-11 attacks in 2001 and was updated a few times up to 2007. “War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses.” — Thomas Jefferson. If he was born in Germany, could his birthplace shed some light on this mystery? In the past, the vast size of a state’s territory was of great help to its security. Marriage: 22 Feb., 1785, St. Andrew’s Church, Clifton, England / d. 18 Oct., 1806, Philadelphia, PA. While it is true that Tesla intended to use his Long Island facility to perform experiments, “with the transmission of electrical energy for power and lighting purposes by wireless. [8] It would seem that Egypt was a more suitable location for studying Egyptology than Paris and London, where Paul Warburg managed the Rothschild banks. “His double was shot between the eyes, and the dental records proved he was not Hitler. 6. !…Nice to see some THINKING people here for a change! Buckeye manufactured automatic couplers and chassis for railroad cars owned by the Harrimans, the Rockefellers, and J.P. Morgan. Many families of the victims of the 9-11 atrocity have campaigned for a more peaceful approach to combating terrorism, for example. This is important research. The timing of this concealed event curiously corresponds with the first year of GHSI/PSB’s “proclaimed attendance” at Yale University. In early 2007, Walter Murphy, a constitutional law scholar and professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University (described as the most distinguished constitutional scholars of the 20th century) had criticized the Bush administration for abusing the US Constitution. During his presidency, President Scherf… er, uh… (aka) President George H.W. Mr. Scherff said that he had never heard of Leland J. Anderson nor any of the names mentioned in Anderson’s letter” (Anderson had written to the Scherff household seeking information about Tesla’s writings. The confusion one experiences upon exhuming records that should reveal the “roots” of the Walker/Bush families is puzzling. [40] Subsequent publications of this event described a “Marconi wireless system” having been installed in 1904, but that story was designed to hide the facts behind Tesla’s technology, thus deflecting attention away from the theft of this invention and others related to radio transmission and reception. They were from the Cuxhaven region of northern Germany, a seaport town near Hamburg. Read it carefully, with an open mind. The story about GHSII/GHWB having been “adopted” by GHSI/PSB bears out this fact. While citizens everywhere, especially Americans, were rightly outraged at the attacks, the mainstream media has largely concentrated on the effects, the various aftermaths and impacts, and reporting what political leaders are doing, saying or not doing, or not saying, etc. According to further reminiscent accounts, “He retired to a quieter place, his farm at Shrewsbury, New Jersey, moving to Germany in 1905, where he stayed (except for a period during World War I) until his death in 1933.” Harriman & Co. investment firm and assisted Averell Harriman in acquiring the Hamburg-Amerika Line. A brief glance at shipping records, passenger manifests, and financial transactions on Wall Street indicates a pattern of deception which was masterminded by this same machine. It appears that Warburg and other passengers were not scrutinized to the extent required by law and were assisted in entering the country with special, yet illegal considerations. Your email address will not be published. On the foreign policy front, even recent history of the last 50 years or so has been questionable by both Western leaders and Middle Eastern leaders. For the greater part of his career, Tesla’s secretary was Dorothy F. Skerritt. [9] On April 7, 1882 a 25-year old Tesla arrived via the SS Nordland, which departed from Antwerp. Your organization would devise a series of historical events that, on the surface, would appear to be everyday, happenstance occurrences (natural disasters, man-made diseases, acts of murder, assassination, terror, manipulation of money and energy supplies, contamination of foods, pollution of natural resources, and war). Her “grandmother,” Kate P. Pierce, emigrated from Bavaria, Germany. This lower number doesn’t in any way reduce the impact though. References continue: In the words of GHSII/GHWB, in reference to his “father’s” early schooling: “Douglas, his public school, was somewhat of a ‘melting pot.’ We had a very large Negro population. “He was given false identification and adopted by Prescott Sheldon Bush as his “son,” George Herbert Walker Bush,” Skorzeny went on. GHW (George Herbert Walker) On numerous fronts there are many, many things going on which readers have asked me to write on. George HW Bush’s true identity was uncovered through the perseverance of one investigative journalist Michael Nicoloff and the deathbed confession of Hitler’s close-in bodyguard, Otto Skorzeny. When asked why he thought Skorzeny entrusted this information to him, Berman responded, “I was dating one of his daughters. How is it that a 24-year-old Yale University graduate (then again a decade later as a 34-year-old banker in New York City) could be so confused about his father’s birthplace? Nazis and Jesuits fought side by side during the last World War 2 and after, for global domination. Bush.” “Hitler did not commit suicide,” Skorzeny recounted. Having studied biology at the University of Munich, then working as a research assistant at Frankfurt University Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene, Mengele joined the Sturmabteilung, or “Stormtroopers”—a paramilitary organization for the Nazi Party. If one is to decipher the master plan, then one must think like those who crafted that plan. They have also reported immense detail on some of the aspects of the actual bombing in Afghanistan, etc. What history is there of GHS1/PSB? Apparently, neither Catharine nor her presumed daughter-in-law Catherine had parents, though both were supposedly born in “England.” Bush, traveled to Hong Kong, demanding trillions of dollars from Wanta and his Chinese partner, Howe Kwong-Kok. Inter Press Service added that If that is how success in the Bush administration’s war on terrorism is to be measured, then Rumsfeld would have to conclude that he is failing badly. The man should have COULD have been “Terminated” the DAY he arrived in the the USA…and the ENTIRE Scherf (Bush) family. With in-depth features, Expatica brings the international community closer together. [3] The official manifest (on line 7) lists a “Mr. Something that as a believer in Christ I am interested in. It has deepened divisions among people of different faiths and origins, sowing the seeds for more conflict. Bush’s family biography then describes his “enrollment at St. Georges School,” a co-ed, Episcopalian prep school near Newport, Rhode Island, from 1908-1913. What you are about to read is another step beyond research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed “clues” provided by former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. What impacts would such secretive mass surveillance have on democracy? For example, the support by the west of brutal leaders in the middle east has contributed to an extremist backlash. The global security agenda promoted by the US Administration is bankrupt of vision and bereft of principle. This caused an uproar in many places, including the United States Congress, where members demanded more information to understand if all those deaths could have been prevented. These global values of justice are the most effective route to security and peace. The American Council on Science and Health is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. They could also put at risk the right to privacy and threaten the rights of minorities and asylum-seekers. The problem with this claim is that there was no Douglas School in Columbus in 1900, nor for most of the 20th century. Skorzeny, having been Adolph Hitler’s bodyguard, would have known anyone Hitler knew. After failing to fully undermine Clinton in a few scandals, the Monica Lewinksy affair became a major opportunity. After all, he and his S.S. buddies had posed with them at the Scherf home in Germany when he was quite young. The war on terror and the war in Iraq has encouraged a new wave of human rights abuse and diverted attention from old ones … while many governments are openly pursuing repressive agendas. And if F.E. comments. Further evidence of the timing of this sequence being a fraud is provided by a short newspaper article, “To Test Tesla’s System,” Brooklyn Eagle, Sept., 1899. GHS2/GHWB – b. actually trying to use that platform and make some vaccines. )” Remote control of the Jesuit apparatus is maintained through the establishment of banks, churches, foundations, and institutes of “higher education” in foreign countries. It was no coincidence that SPB’s “son,” Prescott Sheldon Bush (GHSI/PSB) was appointed a vice-president and partner of UBC by its director (and now, father-in-law), GHW. GHS1/PSB’s mentors in the Wall Street banks knew of his double identity, too. Another friend of Tesla’s, Kenneth Swezey visited him during the time and noted that he was existing on warm milk and Nabisco crackers alone. This research would be considered incomplete without revealing the identity of the consummate international puppet: George Herbert Walker Bush (GHSII/GHWB). The report will make uncomfortable reading at the White House, our correspondent says. was NEVER “a carpenter” and NEVER MET GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH 4. [32] But we have the testimony of Otto Skorzeny and his photos—especially the one at right. On the Muslim side, there have also been equally extreme reactions, from support of these terrorist acts to even being convinced that this was some sort of Zionist conspiracy to blame Muslims! In their fight to get the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden himself, as well as other jihadists, were supported by the US, encouraging the training of jihadists and the rise of miltantism to galvanize opposition to the communists. And the predicted war on civil liberties and human rights has unfortunately proven true as human rights organizations around the world feared from the start of the war on terror (as discussed further below). Others saw this as proof that Islam is inherently violent or that it is the primary threat to the rest of the world, etc. The son of a Serbian Orthodox priest who rose to the rank of Archbishop, Tesla had the opportunity to study a variety of topics contained in his father’s personal library. 4) The listing of “Walker” as the child who should have been listed as “George” (GHSII/GHWB) George Scherf, described in books, newspaper and magazine articles and in biographies distributed throughout the scientific community as Tesla’s “trusted associate, accountant, and sometimes secretary,” stole his inventions, sold them to the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) through his vice-presidency and directorship under the alias of Prescott Sheldon Bush, to be forwarded to Paul Warburg (banker), Fritz Thyssen (industrialist) and I.G. “James Loeb was born August 6, 1867, in New York City, the son of Solomon and Betty (Goldberg) Loeb. 1 July, 1901, Walker’s Point, ME, d. 19 Nov., 1992, Greenwich, CT. Paul Warburg The subsequent bombing of Afghanistan to attack Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda terrorist network and the Taliban for harboring them has also led to some 3,500 civilian deaths, according to an independent study released at the beginning of December 2001. The point here is that it does not matter how old she was on either occasion, but that on one or both occasions, she lied to INS officials. GHSII/GHWB (again) 5. You can actually participate in the global efforts to cripple the Deep State organized criminal cabal's ability for genocide, while enjoying healthcare freedom at the same time, by boycotting Big Pharma for good. The POINT is…IT WAS FORCED SIGNED INTO LAW, AND STILL ACTUALLY BINDING…All the history of it still might be available at a site called “Alcium Bramerton.com (IF its even still there UNMOLESTED) .” he repeatedly made it clear the Wardenclyffe plant’s primary function was global wireless telecommunications and broadcasting. The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Foundations and Philosophy of Mathematics Marchisotto, Elena Anne Corie, Rodriguez-Consuegra, Francisco, Smith, James T. 2021 Price from 145,59 € Weapons for the waging of wars could easily be transported back to Germany and other ports throughout Europe. This one census report contains numerous anomalies: GHW – b. Behind the scenes, Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman secretly influenced (or controlled) the activities of key intelligence agencies in the U.S., thus, affording the Vatican the opportunity to suppress potentially damaging information from reaching the public. According to intelligence sources, Canaris became ill in 1976. Read “Sept 11 Reaction and in Context” to learn more. can you spare $1.00 a month to support independent media. US v China: Biden bets on alliances to push back against Beijing The new administration believes it can develop a more effective China strategy if it can work closely with old friends. After working for Edison Telephone Company subsidiaries in Budapest, Paris, and other cities throughout Europe, Nikola Tesla went to America, to meet the man whose company gave him his first job, Thomas Edison. “Research” is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. During subsequent visits to the U.S. in 1910, 1912 and 1913, while again proclaiming his U.S. citizenship, Warburg referred to 17 E. 80th St., New York as his home address. Markets are complacent in the view that despite record debts, the cost of borrowing is minimal. The station was built after the church, as was the plaza. Starting to CATCH–ON are ya’? . What we are taught about history in American schools is not history, but a fairy tale. Interestingly, the prevention of a renowned constitutional lawyer and former US Marine revealed that peace marchers and those who criticized George Bush could find themselves on the US government’s no-fly list. Whether we realize it or not, the world is watching, America. Emma, like her benefactors, not only misstated her age (28), which should have been 37 (based upon her declaration to the INS that she was 19 in 1902), but her date of arrival and her real intended destination— the home of SPB. Still, if there remained any confusion, the U.S. Immigration Service could have clarified the issue based on the information it had acquired in 1903 and again in 1910. Coincidentally, the Hamburg-Amerika line was associated with the UBC scandal that resulted in the “Trading with the Enemy Act” charges brought forth against the Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, UBC, GHW and GHS1/PSB. Violent attacks on civilians and on institutions established to provide solutions to conflict and insecurity … represented a significant new threat to international justice. Frank Rockefeller was also an investor of Buckeye Steel Castings in Columbus, Ohio. complex and difficult to decipher, so we have attempted to reduce them to workable symbols as if parts of equations. (George H. Scherf(f), Jr./ Berman then confirmed the girlfriend was Skorzeny’s daughter and added, “She, uh, she didn’t know that I knew… she didn’t know that her father had told me all this. GHS1/PSB received $1.5 million, the value of one share of the UBC stock he owned. This is especially relevant now, as citizens seek answers on how and why such a terrible atrocity could be committed. They should feed his ass to Great white sharks and crabs AFTER hanging him LAUGH!!!!!!!!! In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter. Whether GHW’s parents were born in Missouri, Maryland or both is not the issue. 4. (Not “on a farm near Bloomington, IL” and not in MO as stated to the Census.) Yet that cannot be an excuse for the atrocity of September 11 as it killed many innocent people. Fear may be used to rally support for more extreme measures both upon citizens of America, and upon people of other countries. The Jesuits: Stoneyhurst College is known as a “Catholic” institution with a primarily Jesuit influence; the college boasts of its association with the Society of Jesus. It was unlikely he would have returned to any port of entry other than New York, unless he had arrived at some other secret location. Bormann also managed all of Hitler’s business affairs and personal finances after gaining a reputation as an assassin and intimidator of trade union organizers. the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks. Nikola Tesla’s successes in discovering new technologies did not go unnoticed by many industrial capitalists and world governments. However, in the 1910 U.S. Federal Decennial Census, his father was born in “Maryland” and his mother in “Missouri.” [34] Emigrated from Germany covertly to U.S. as George Scherff, Jr., son of Nikola Tesla’s assistant, George Scherff, Sr., as spy for Adolph Hitler. Read “Full List of Articles in War On Terror section” to learn more. For example, from “The Future of the Wireless Art, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY & TELEPHONY,” by Walter W. Massie & Charles R. Underhill (pp. This lower number doesn’t in any way reduce the impact though.). James Loeb After the war, he helped George Bush found the CIA through Operation Paperclip and ODESSA.” For more on this aspect, see this site’s section on the middle east and in particular about support by the west of brutal leaders in the middle east where there is more context as to why some Islamic extremism arose, why support for it was failing, and the impact on ordinary citizens. Then there were photos of Reinhard Gehlen (S.S. spy and assassin) Dr. Joseph Mengele (the “Angel of Death”) Martin Bormann (Hitler aide and S.S. assassin) and Adolph Hitler (photographed in 1997 at age 107). Powell.” The stories of both Berman and Skorzeny are both supported by this phone (and address) record. Skorzeny did not stop there. [38] Bush and his “handlers.”. The biographies of GHW agree that he was born on June 11, 1875. 4, 6. His body was cremated, I have a copy of his death certificate, and I saw his ashes. British intelligence satellites have photographed Scherf (aka George H.W. The dismantling of the U.S. government is the key to their ultimate success in the creation of a New World Order. Habitational name from places in the Rhineland named Scherf, or from Scherfede near Warburg. Spellman and Hoover served the same “master,” though it was not the U.S. government. Indeed, by early December 2001, some 3,500 Afghan civilians were believed to have been killed by U.S. bombing. The relevance to the original request by Admiral Higginson is not only suspicious, the document has been edited with a date insertion some 18 years after its original publication. THEY along with the Vatican/Zionist/ Luciferian/Satanist…AND the Saudi Relatives were the ones behind the attacks of 9/11, and the Stoppage of the NESARA Announcements at 8:45am. Read “War on Terror: Civilization and Ideology” to learn more. The timing of George Scherff’s last visit to Nikola Tesla was suspicious, as well. The Immigration and Naturalization Service agents were complicit in hiding James Loeb’s true birthplace and his association with financiers of the future German Nazi Party, an act which was aided and abetted by the sloppy, incomplete immigration records kept at Ellis Island and the Port of New York. Is the connection still alive through U.S. presidents George H.W. DDW – son of George E. and Harriet Walker. The Bush family biographies do nothing to rectify this dichotomy. GHW: George Herbert Walker. Concerns about a crackdown on civil rights in the wake of the so-called war on terror have been expressed for a long time, and these revelations seem to be confirming some of those fears. But the cost of vengeance (instead of justice) has also been high: And also worryingly, as Inter Press Service (IPS) correspondent Jim Lobe notes, Al Qaeda’s project for ending the American Century appears to have largely succeeded: Al Qaeda appears to have largely succeeded in its hopes of accelerating the decline of U.S. global power, if not bringing it to the brink of collapse. GHS1/PSB and Nicola Tesla: Nikola Tesla had emigrated from Austria to the U.S. in order to fulfill his destiny as the most prolific scientific inventor in history. The procedure is illustrated by elaboration of the macro implications of one aspect of small-scale interaction: the strength of dyadic ties. Read “War on Terror Mainstream Media and Propaganda” to learn more. In fact, the Brick Church (actually in East Orange, New Jersey) was built in 1878, 15 years after his proclaimed “birth date,” and not in “Orange.” The first official record of Paul Warburg’s trip to the U.S. appeared in the Kaiser Wilhelm II passenger manifest, upon arrival at Ellis Island, October 13, 1903. He was still able to walk around—he was still very impressive and he had about the biggest hands I have ever shaken. Despite coming from a small group, their influence has permeated through the right-wing in the US, as another report finds that this these kind of views are typically reflected along partisan lines (Republicans typically being anti-Islam, Democrats being typically more liberal), it is important to note how such a vast swathe of people’s views can be manipulated by a minority (that has been quite influential). Marriage: 6 Jan., 1945 to “Barbara Pierce.” Harvard University Press published a memorial biography to the founder of the Loeb Classical Library, bequeathed to Harvard University by none other than James Loeb, one year after his death in 1933. The level of cooperation from government agencies and their elected officials was not only disgraceful, but blatantly treasonous. Read “War on Terror Geopolitics” to learn more. The only thing that can save us is Christ. Note: Based upon a preponderance of evidence, in addition to recent discoveries through independent research, indicating patterns of deceit, corruption, theft, conspiracy, murder and treason, it appears that George H. Scherf(f), Sr. (GHS1) was the real identity of Prescott Sheldon Bush (PSB). In 1996/1997 they announced a jihad on America itself which, they believed, was the source of this corruption. The embezzlement of his capitalization went unchecked throughout Tesla’s career. Unlike the Guardian we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or any other NGO or government. One is carrying out political assassinations of world leaders who refuse to comply with its demands.
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