second phase of revolution 1. the revolution: second phase the struggle continues the hongkong junta the relief of primo de rivera aguinaldo returns the spanishamericanwar the struggle continues the battle of manila bay the siege of manila aguinaldo goes to singapore the secret agreement the interviewwith pratt the mock battle of manila aguinaldo and wildman americanterms the struggle … According to The Future of Jobs 2016 report by the World Economic Forum, we are in the midst of a fourth phase of industrial revolution, with technology rapidly developing in areas like 3D printing, robotics and artificial intelligence. In a short time, often just a few years, a revolution can bring about significant change and upheaval. They said they were going to shoot anyone who says they don’t have them anymore. You got that right….. NO CIVIL WAR, ONLY REVOLUTION IF THEY VIOLATE THE SECOND AMENDMENT AND TRY TO COME FOR OUR GUNS. Merkur 2: 321 – 333. I bring that up because Jews, real ones are seeking asylum from Israel and doing so in London and NY and receiving it. And do not mistake the true depths of horror contained in that word. Psychopath means totally void of any and all humanity except for their own welfare. An attempt to flee doesn't help his reputation, and as the countries outside France mishandle events a second revolution occurs, as Jacobins and sansculottes force the creation of a French Republic. 1948. Do not forget the four boxes of freedom: Ballot box, jury box, soap box, cartridge box. As in contact information. The Teeth of Freedom! I would rather die fighting than to ever live the way they want and intend for us to live. In the future they will not have that option. Remember that there are two versions of that, one is a fake. I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 2:9, So, to be more correct they should properly be called Luciferians. Its actually currently a mental illness pandemic that is getting out of control. Inevitably, revolution results in the division and separation from that form or system of government causing the plight. However, we would be very stupid to engage the enemy on the battlefield. Maybe you could redo that last sentence to read more accurately……. Instead, we will need to engage our enemies in an asymmetrical form of warfare and that will be the topic of the next part of this series. The same will happen with any “underground” revolutionary movement. Prepare, pray and let the globalists run out of steam. Stage One of the Revolution. Saul Directed by Harun Farocki, Andrei Ujica. In the case of celestial … by the way…I traded my silver for a really nice truck, so I have no silver either. The reason I even commented on your “original” comment was because you (apparently mistakenly) said and I quote…. Part one of this series detailed how the economy is collapsing due the failure of the Petrodollar. I would post more here, but after a few beers I cant figure out the math question. Same strategy, same result, and whatever happened to the Occupy Wall Street movement? Perhaps “a war of ideas and a campaign for the truth” should start right there. You buy a rifle tomorrow, they buy a column of tanks tomorrow. Right now they could walk away and maybe find another job if they feel uncomfortable acting like psychopaths. Revolution is the change of political power from one to another. How close is America to falling into a civil war? Sie ist der Klassiker unter den Schulthemen - die Französische Revolution. 1755–1769: The revolution that ended Genoese rule and established a Corsican Republic under Enlightenment principles. “Anti-semitism is a lie that some “khazars” use to ostricize those that expose their fallacies and war crimes”. Others, like the Russian and Chinese revolutions, also seek radical social and economic change. around a center or axis; rotation. What do you say? Hide some of your guns. Trust me, nobody reading these words wants live through the times that the globalists have planned for us and if you listen to people who advocate for a civil war, you need your head examined. They can stick their NWO, you know where. Die Rolle von Eliten und kollektiven Akteuren in Transitionsprozessen. Don`t call them globalists.Call them what they are.Khazars.Not Zionists or anti-zionists,banksters,gun-grabbers,liberals,media barons,progressive activists,communists,anti-racists,ADL,SPLC,ect,ect. We especially need to reach the police and the military in order to remind them of their constitutional duty to protect the people against a tyrannical government. Your email address will not be published. We can use the time to solidify our positions and will be in a new position to make demands of the government. The path of the earth around the sun which is one complete cycle of … If Obama is successful in taking down the alternative media, then it will become necessary to enact a type of Committees of Correspondence apparatus similar to what our Founding Fathers did in the pre-Revolutionary War period in our history. The removal and replacement of a government. The Radical Phase of the French Revolution lasted from 1792 until 1794; The French are going to go to war with the British, the Netherlands, Prussia, and Spain because of attempts to restore the French to its old government and the fear of countries revolting against their own government Ooops, your dead. I believe we can forestall the globalists’ plans to such a degree that they will fall apart. haha. Edwin, . But the Pharisees of Jesus’ day were actually decsended from not only the Edomites, but also the Canaanites, Israel’s mortal enemies. And that spirit has got us this far, and I dont think spirit got us this far to leave us. If you would like, write an article or commentary to this site and challenge us to partake in the discussion we will. Some, like the American Revolution, seek to overthrow and replace the political order. Tennis Court Oath May 1789: first meeting of the Estates-General was held (291 from First Estate, 279 from Second Estate, and 578 from Third Estate) The structure of voting caused an argument. Hey not trying to school you,just putting it “out there” for all to see.Sorry if I caused offense. | Prüfungsfrage So, I was correcting you. Smilar dog, can you speak more about the protocols and which set is the false one and which is the real one. Turn off your television which only serves to condition people to accept defeat and to embrace the plans of the New World Order. The first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas and a campaign for the … 1996. In order to win this fight, we need more people speaking out, making videos and calling MSM talk shows. It always amazes me how people can invoke the Second Amendment and not mention its first thirteen words, or what they teach. Industrialisierung Eine Revolution ? Carry three days of needed resources in your cars because you cannot predict when you will experience trouble getting home. I believe that Obama’s people will very soon begin to commence false flag attacks in order to hasten the implementation of martial law and force the real leadership of the opposition out in the open where they can be crushed in a brief civil war. Are we talking Nephilim, here? Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. Didnt teach us to swim, to let us drown, didnt lift us up, to let us down, didnt build a home in us to move away, didnt lift us up, to let us down. He believed that most revolutions fit into 7 stages. Furthermore, the people who directed the past World Wars were not embracing religion, race, or National interests because they are a small, powerful coalition of International elitist bankers. Die Novemberrevolution 1918 - das Deutsche Kaiserreich ist am Ende. Their father was of the devil. Required fields are marked *. is likely to be greater after the first outbreak of revolution or revolutionary Rephaim, the offspring of the Nephilim, if anything. Because if passive resistance fails, we will need a collective means to defend ourselves. Sorry! One is that they are fast-moving. When, not if, but when Obama comes for our guns, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies. Der Krieg ist verloren, Deutschland ist im Umbruch, Kaiser Wilhelm II. Bos, Ellen. the time taken for a body to go around an orbit and return to its original position. I have seen a shotgun and a 22 for sale on craigslist, both were sold..So, how will then know who has a firearm? ), needs their heads examined. We need a medical emergency declared and all khazar bankers rounded up and put in mental health facilities until they are cured, or dead from old age. Where I see the enemy at the gate, most of my friends and neighbors are sleeping through the unfolding attack. The Russian people were defeated by Stalin because they did not win stage one of the revolution. The globalists are much like the boxer in that if he cannot knock out his opponent by the third round, he will lose because he will run out of steam. They also executed the plan of secretly attacking their enemies Brought them to win over the Katipuneros at the very first Battle. The term is used by analogy in such expressions as the Industrial Revolution, where it refers to a radical and profound change in economic If our civil disobedience is forceful enough, we can make the globalists think twice about beginning a civil war. eski manken olan ve sonrada çok sevdiği bir adamla, Copyright © 2021 - From the Trenches World Report, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro: World Citizen, Previous Post: SAC Capital portfolio manager Steinberg arrested in NY-FBI, Next Post: High Mileage Cars Forbidden for Sale in the US, Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing, BLM founder is branded a ‘FRAUD’ after buying a $1.4 million home in an upscale mostly white enclave in LA, Bill Gates: The 2021 60 Minutes interview, TSA posts video showing how you can fly without ID, THE BIGGEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE HOUSE IN THE WORLD – ‘THE ONE’ – EXCLUSIVE HOUSE TOUR, Brooklyn woman gets COVID 3 weeks after Johnson & Johnson vaccine, American protecting this business because the police won’t, Four gray whales have been found dead in California’s Bay Area within eight days, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth’s Husband And Duke Of Edinburgh, Dies At 99, Biden is Issuing Executive Order on Packing Supreme Court with Radical Justices, Nearly 40% of Marines have rejected coronavirus vaccine as Dems call on Biden admin to make shots mandatory for troops – reports, Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Raped, HEROIC Ohio Restaurant Owner Wins Case Over Fraudulent Mask Order. The revolution was brought to an end by the French conquest of Corsica; 1760: Tacky's War, an uprising of enslaved Akan people against British colonialists in Jamaica. Mar 21, 1804. To take it back to what the Founding Fathers original intent was, but this time we will add a few new amendment to keep this from ever having this happen again. Exactly. Regardless of words, threats and laws, we must be willing to kill to preserve our freedom above all else. The only thing we can count on is that we will all be equally f**ked in the end after the economic dust settles — regardless of our race, creed, or Nationality, while the unseen real powers of the World continue to herd us through a funnel of no resort. Call in line: (712) 770-5597 Your point is well taken Scott…we are kinda between a rock and a hard place…You know what I mean. Good point. A successful revolution cannot simply jump to stage three without having progressed through the first two stages. Start preparing today like your life depends on it, because it does. the revolution of the seasons. The first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas and a campaign for the truth. Box 964, Chiloquin, OR 97624, eski manken olan ve sonrada çok sevdiği bir adamla porno evlenme kararı alan aşırı seksi mature evlendiği adamın sikiş çok efendi bir oğlu olunca kendi üvey oğlunu sahiplenir ve bir porno izle mesafeye kadar onunla ilgilenmek ister Uzun bir süredir porno sevgilisi olmadığını öğrenen mature daha önce seks yaptığı kızların sikiş kendisini terk ettiğini söylemesi üzerine üvey oğlunun porno yapmayı bilmediğini anlar Ona durumu anlatmasını isteyince hoşlandığı sikiş kızla öpüşürken bile kendisini orada bırakıp terk ettiğini söyledi. But, now you have changed your wording of your original quote where you said “call them Jews”, to call the Khazars. The Iranian Revolution (also known as the Islamic Revolution) was a period where Iranians conducted numerous demonstrations against the US-backed Pahlavi dynasty and ended with the overthrow of the leader, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and imposing an Islamic state led by Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. I dont have any firearms but here in Oregon, you can buy and sell firearms to private parties. Agreed, anyone who does not advocate revolution (not civil war…hilarious, who the hell would side with the feds but their paid lackeys? Die Gesellschaft ist in 3 Stände gegliedert. Die traditionelle chinesische Stadt galt der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas nach 1949 als Abbild einer feudalen Gesellschaftsordnung; deshalb sollten die „Konsumentenstädte” in „Produzentenstädte” umgewandelt werden. They get 100X the value from time that you do. @Smilardog If the biblical aspect of what these creatures truly are intrigues you, I suggest you read this page through to the end. Jews did not exist util circa 800 AD. False flag attacks also provide the justification and also galvanizes the pro-governmental forces to a point in which they begin to enslave the people. Committee of Public Safety August 10 1792 to 9 Thermidor 1794. However, the Jews and their brethren will be the ones left holding the bag of blame when the SHTF, just as it was when Hitler rose to power. Most people here are wide awake and have a few brain cells connecting. situation, as one group claiming sovereignty seeks to vanquish one or Form resource coalitions with your friends and coworkers. The retreating globalists will eventually return with new methods and strategies to enslave humanity. Many believe that the revolution has already begun and I would agree with them. Even during the US Civil War, the fighting between people was caused and directed by the same nefarious sources that will aid and direct both sides of a Revolutionary War between sovereign citizens and their treasonous government. You said to call them jews. It looks like we only have one box left… The Ammo Box! Monarchie - Bewegung teilt sich in Liberale und Radikale - Krieg zwischen Frankreich und Großmächten -> Zuspitzung des Hodges doesn’t know what he’s talking about. In doing this they are creating a privileged class of federal stooges who will see the rest of you starving and will be willing to do anything to keep their regular paychecks. We are looking for solutions…. It should now make sense to you as to why 98% of the media is controlled by globalist controlled business interests, who in turn are controlled one way or another, by the members of the Federal Reserve. Thermidor: A reactionary phase in response to the excesses of radical However, you better store food and water because history shows the next step that a totalitarian regime would take would be to starve the people into submission. This could lead to great attrition within the ranks of our captors. Be creative, think of new ways to reach your neighbors. Therefore, there is little difference in the definition of a War or the consequences which shall prevail when it ends. 4 Phasen der Französischen Revolution 1. Practiced en masse, these financial practices are often enough to bring a criminal government to its knees. During the French Revolution, the church lost power, property, holidays, and authority; however, due to the Concordat, it was no longer a department of the state. We are in a war of words and if we fail to use our words to awaken all of humanity, we are hopelessly lost and the globalists will carve us up for dinner. Jahrhundert für ziemlich viel Aufruhr gesorgt, sondern prägt unsere Welt bis heute. I would rather live fighting and let them do all the dying!!! If we are going to successfully fight back, it is now or never. of the First French Republic. If you want to know who these Satanic Khazars are descended from, in His time, Jesus exposed them for who and what they truly were, sons of their father, the Devil. Revolutions vary in their motives and their aims. 1792 1799 1770 - 5./6.10.1790: Gefangennahme des Königs durch das Volk - 20.-25.6.1791: Fluchtversuch des Königs - 3.9.1791: Verfassung tritt in Kraft -> konst. ITS NOT LIVING, ITS EXISTING. A sub-category of that ideology is zionism. Amen and Halleleujah. This is the purpose of the 2nd amendment and you see how effective it is. However, they must know that the people will stand with them. Easy there, Arf. A liberal, constitutional phase of 1789-1792, A radical, republican phase that led to authoritarian terror of the Store resources at differing safe houses, in your area, with friends and family that you trust. In short, stop feeding the beast. Conference Line: 220029#, Patriot Broadcast From the Trenches Archives, The United States is Still a British Colony, Or you can mail donations to Henry Shivley at P.O. If the globalists can draw us into a civil war and crush the opposition, they can end all pretenses and their full blown tyranny will be fully exposed for all to see and experience firsthand. Many translated example sentences containing "Phasen der Geschichte" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. One interview that really touched my understanding of Militia was one you did on the John Stadtmiller show. False flag attacks are prominent part of the transition between stage two and stage three rebellion. Only if the people see that their rights are not granted by men but are self-preserved through self defense will we remain a free people. ‘What causes revolutions?’ shows that revolutions are complex processes that emerge from the social order becoming frayed in many areas at once. Saul is 100% correct…I have posted the same on other websites…, Why do you scream “civil war” then tell us the 3 stages of a revolution?? Get your s–t straight…a “civil war” is a war between the people(this is what tptb want)…a revolution is a war between the people and a goverment…. Jun 20, 1789. Phase ( Anfang des Jahres 1789 ) : Absolutismus Der König hat noch die Macht als absoluter Herrscher. Again, this is accomplished, again, in stage one. This is what I am trying to accomplish on my website and on my talk show. THE REVOLUTIO N: First Phase 2. Anti-semitism is a lie that some jews use to ostricize those that expose their fallacies and war crimes. If this form of civil disobedience does not stem the tide of tyranny sweeping the country, then withhold your money from the globalist apparatus. I don’t know about you, but I would not like to be defined as an Obama or a Neocon supporter, just because I live in the United States. With Ion Caramitru, Elena Ceausescu, Nicolae Ceausescu, Mircea Dinescu. In History. They were a little crumpled up, stained up, and had this odoriferous aroma by the time I was finished with them. Petunia, I believe the subtlety of his comment has escaped you. Only the threat of death can. Screw them. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Occupy movement is dead on arrival. Linguee. Hundert Jahre Marxismus. I did read the first paragraph and I saw that he was mentioning the The protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. So, don’t act like you are schooling me. I think that I will stick to what Jesus who was a jew and God in the flesh had to say about them…, King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Another interpretation of the Revolution divides the period of 1789-1799 into these stages or phases: A liberal, constitutional phase of 1789-1792; A radical, republican phase that led to authoritarian terror of the Committee of Public Safety August 10 1792 to 9 Thermidor 1794 No matter what gun control laws that Obama brings to the American people, the people need to disobey., Erarbeiten Sie 4 logisch aufeinanderfolgende Phasen einer Social-Media-Strategie! I have been at this all my life. We can only hope that we are united enough to resist being taken into stage three. Stop paying taxes as much as possible. Where can I find each of them, so I can read and match it against what I have here and make corrections to those I sent them to. To paraphrase the Bible, in Romans 12:2, it essentially commands its followers to not be an integral part of the world. Second Phase of the Revolution or "Second Step of the Revolution" is a statement that was issued by the supreme leader of Iran, Sayyid Ali Khamenei to the country, particularly to the youth, and was published in February 2019, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the victory of the Iranian Revolution. We also need to realize that individuals like George Soros would even go so far as to start revolutionary movements as a means to draw out public resistance that could be crushed. As a historian of the French Revolution, I can’t help but pay attention to guillotines (adopted in the 1790s as an alternative to the cruel and unusual punishment of death by hanging). Many believe that America is plunging head first into a civil war with the forces of the New World Order which have hijacked our government. If so, than Jesus nailed it. Veränderung für die Menschen: Landflucht Gemeinschaftshäuser -Wohnungen Stadtgründungen Fabriken Mehr Lohn billigere Wahren Massenproduktion vereinfachtes Reisen Die Eisenbahn: Die erste öffentliche Eisenbahn war die 1825 eröffnete Stockton Stage three is direct physical confrontation with the powers that be which involves a large number of citizens. A good example in the French Revolution is the events leading up to Buy gold and silver and get of the corrupt Petrodollar as much as possible. Many are willing to “die” for their beliefs, but few are willing to “kill” for their beliefs. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! called the “Second Revolution”—and the establishment Open menu. These objectives must be accomplished in Stage one. The Napoleonic coup d’etat, the ending of the Revolution by Credibility is important now, so I would appreciate your help on that. When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance had not been built. If that is really you, it is good to have you visit this site. Not a problem… I was driving through Oregon and I had to connect with the bushes on the side of the road and I was looking around for something to wipe with and what do you know… I found your receipts! There is no BS lie they can tell and no promise they can make that will most Americans kill other Americans. Revolution is an important concept to understand when you're studying the stars. Do not shop in the corporate chain stores controlled by Federal Reserve members such as Walmart or any other well known globalist entity. One caveat that every American needs to be aware of is to securely hide at least one gun that is off the books. Translator. Suggest as a translation of "Phasen der Revolution" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. The Revolution: First Phase 1. There are three distinct stages of revolution and we are moving down the path to civil war at a frightening pace. With myself being a nonviolent person, I prefer this path of resistance. Estates General (3 Orders: Clergy, 300 reps.; Nobility, 300 reps.; "Third Estate," 600 reps.) May 5, 1789: After bad harvests and costly wars, King Louis XVI is forced to convene this ancient assembly in order to raise taxes. 3. a complete cycle of events. You better go buy a bummed up gun and have it handy to give to them and if you think this is bad, just wait. Jesus, if he existed, was a Nazerene of Hebrew decent. I have never been a sleep! more other rival groups also claiming sovereignty. Tyrants require minions to carry out their tyranny. I have probably read it before because I read everything that I can get my hands on. One example, they continue to ship America’s economic base to China. On the ground communication is timeless, effective and very difficult for a totalitarian government to negate. For me, I did buy a few firearms a few years ago thru the system, but I sold them to a private party…I got receipts, but during our latest move to another house, I lost them. A sudden, vast change in a situation, a discipline, or the way of thinking and behaving. “The Coronavirus Killed the Revolution,” declared the headline of a recent essay in The Atlantic by Shadi Hamid, who argued that the COVID-19 crisis makes people crave “normalcy” over … and if you have been on this site very long you would know that we have posted many articles on research done on this subject, and also, on the Jewish/Khazar Genome Studies that proves thru DNA that they are not jews. The first time I read that book was in 1978-79. Giving them time makes them stronger, them more entrenched, them better armed, them more ideologically prepared. In this case, our enemies will be comprised of whatever minions that the Federal Reserve can bring to the fight such as a well-armed DHS. Sociological Review 29 (1): 41–75. Build backup plans for your contingency plans. We desperately need to heed this lesson from history and embark on a tireless crusade to wake up our country as to the dangers that lie ahead. I have listened to you many times on radio interviews on the subject of Militias as our only hope to restore our country. Prepare to be outside the grid, outside the food supply system, outside the need for public services because they will be used to control the people in times of desperation. To D. Gilmore hehe Write us one on “Militias of the Several States”, or other solutions to the problems we have, and you will get all kinds of feedback. You made the mistake, not me. Remember, any kind resistance to tyranny will not succeed unless there is an attitude of defiance towards the tyranny. Start an email distribution list. Everyday here at From the Trenches is an ongoing, “war of ideas and a campaign for the truth”. However, if the globalist trump card is genocide and mass imprisonment, all bets are off. People of jewish “faith” are often of Khazar (hasidic)or semetic decent. military coup and the restoration of “order” and domestic If our resistance is forceful enough, we may force the globalist cowards to retreat and regroup. There is indeed strength in numbers and if we are unable to wake up our fellow countrymen, we will negate the only true tactical advantage we have, solidarity from a numerically superior force. Revolutions do share common features, however. the overthrow of the Constitutional Monarch on August 1792—often THE FRENCH REVOLUTION: PHASES AND DATES. As soon as you questioned whether Jesus existed or not, you lost all credibility and I quit reading what you were saying…. We here at From The Trenches World Report would love to have you on Henry Shively’s daily broadcast regularly (say, once a week) (haha) to explain the Militia the way that you do. In "The second phase of the revolution", also known as "The second phase" or "The second … The Iranian Revolution grabbed international attention with university students being heavily involved.
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