At the retail level, certification informs and ensures customers that the products they purchase are made only from responsible sources of down that respect animal welfare. We schedule annual surveillance audits and notify you of recertification. In the case of the Global Traceable Down Standard, the traceability ensures that a product doesn’t mix down from uncertified sources that may not meet the same criteria or standards. Bisher leider wenig verbreitet. Originally developed by outdoor brand Patagonia, the Global Traceable Down Standard focuses on compliance with local legal animal welfare regulations and aims to ensure that down does not come from farms that engage in force-feeding or live plucking. Global Traceable Down Standard. As a result, a number of standards were developed, including Textile Exchange’s Responsible Down Standard (RDS), the Traceable Down Standard (TDS), and Downpass. Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to us to facilitate the development of public health standards and provide certifications that help protect food, water, consumer products and the environment. The Global Traceable Down Standard was developed in partnership with stakeholders from industry including down processors, manufacturers, retailers, trade associations, NGOs, and animal welfare groups such as Four Paws International — which first forced Patagonia to address cruelty in its down supply chain by campaigning against the company in 2012. Track orders, save products, easy hassle-free returns & exchanges. input! Culver Duck Farms, Inc. Earns Certification to Demonstrate Commitment to Animal Welfare and Traceability. The Responsible Down Standard (RDS) aims to ensure that down and feathers come from animals that have not been subjected to any unnecessary harm. Selon votre lieu de résidence, il se peut que la réception de votre commande prenne plus de temps que d'habitude. From farm to factory, purveyors are surveyed to verify that there has been no live-plucking or force-feeding during any stage of the process. Another less common standard that’s held by a handful of manufacturers, including Patagonia, is the Global Traceable Down Standard from NSF. Global Traceable Down Standard (TDS) The clothing brand Patagonia, in collaboration with key international partners, helped develop the Global TDS label. Nous nous efforçons de traiter et d'expédier les commandes sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrés (du lundi au vendredi, hors jours fériés). related to Fibres & fabrics, Social & environmental responsibility, Sourcing, Down is a byproduct of the food industry. The supplier perspective was shared by Allied Feather and Down as well as Sustainable Down Source. All our virgin down is certified to help ensure the birds that supply it are not force-fed or live-plucked. Requirements(1. The standard ensures that down in garments and other household and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be transparently traced. 1. We offer a full suite services, including auditing and certification, standard development, label claim verification, traceability, chain of custody verification, sustainability and, separately, training and education. At NSF we believe auditing should be straightforward, convenient and produce results you can trust. Find out more about certification by calling +86 21 52377700 or emailing Parce que nous savons que prioriser la durabilité permet de consommer moins d'énergie, de gaspiller moins d'eau et de créer moins de déchets. With our guidance, your company submits pre-audit documentation for review. Tout le duvet vierge utilisé par Patagonia est suivi de la ferme d'élevage à l'usine de confection. Since fall 2014, all of the virgin down they use to insulate their products has met their own Patagonia Traceable Down Standard. Down is a byproduct of the food industry. Introduction to RDS 3.0 (July 2019) Responsible Down Standard (RDS) in Action (June 10, 2020) In the agriculture sector, we work with farmers and growers around the globe, issuing more than 70,000 certificates per year. It was particularly important to go beyond existing other programs and extend protection to parent farms where animals typically live for four years or more and would be at … Jump to Main Content Client Login ... Standards Development LIBRARY Knowledge Library Consumer Resources NSF International has developed the Global Traceable Down Standard in response to growing consumer and industry concern about responsible sourcing of down for apparel and bedding. DOWNLITE uses soaps and chemistries for our down & feather processing that … PEACE SILK. A third-party audit and compliance program as outlined by this standard can help mitigate risk and expand market acceptance of your products. Global Traceable Down Standard Created: 2013 Certification requirements: No GTDS-certified down can come from live-plucked or force-fed birds, and all animals must have access to the Five Freedoms of animal welfare: freedom from hunger and thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury, and disease; freedom to express normal and natural behavior; and freedom from fear … NSF’s Global Traceable Down Standard goes beyond other existing programs, which start at the hatchery, and extends animal welfare procedures to parent farms where animals typically live for at least four years and would be at greatest risk for live plucking. NSF Global Traceable Down Standard Standard Overview The NSF Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ensures that down in apparel, household, and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be fully and transparently traced. 100 % de tout le duvet vierge que nous utilisons est certifié Global TDS, tout comme le sont les fermes, les transformateurs et les usines de produits finis avec lesquels nous travaillons. Down!wholesaler!is!pre;approved!by!Patagonia!andagrees!tofollow!andimplement!the! Er bietet beste Voraussetzungen, die Daunenindustrie nachhaltiger zu gestalten und Tierschutz voranzubringen. Nous consacrons 1 % de nos ventes à la préservation et à la restauration de l’environnement. The Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) and Responsible Down Standard (RDS) help companies demonstrate that down in garments and other household and commercial products come from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be transparently traced. Animal welfare is evaluated by visually inspecting animals and verifying handling practices with veterinarians and others directly in contact with the animals. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ. 3. NSF has helped thousands of manufacturers obtain both local and international market access by evaluating products to meet the requirements of multiple product standards. Moins il y a d'envois inutiles, mieux c'est. We conduct a review of the pre-audit documentation and schedule the on-site audits. Bien que notre duvet ne provienne pas des oiseaux de ces fermes de ponte, il est de notre devoir de veiller à leur bien-être, car ils constituent un maillon essentiel de notre chaîne d’approvisionnement. Research shows that informed consumers want to buy from responsible retailers. 6. NSF Shanghai Testing Technology Co., Ltd. The GTDS says to search on “Global Traceable Down” and “Global Traceable Down -- Supply Chain” under “Category” if you are verifying down sources. Originally developed by outdoor brand Patagonia, the Global Traceable Down Standard focuses on compliance with local legal animal welfare regulations and aims to ensure that down does not come from farms that engage in force-feeding or live plucking. Er wurde in Zusammenarbeit von Unternehmen mit Interessenverbänden der Industrie, Tierschutzorganisationen und weiteren NGOs entwickelt und basiert weitestgehend auf dem zuvor von der Outdoor-Firma Patagonia implementierten eigenen … NSF International’s Sustainability division will provide independent third-party auditing and certification services for product manufacturers to this standard following publication this month. Damit wird sichergestellt, dass die Vögel, von denen die Daunen stammen, nach dem Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS), dem strengsten Standard des Tier- und Verbraucherschutzes, geschützt sind. Sign up for exclusive offers, original stories, activism awareness, events and more from Patagonia. Si vous avez des questions sur votre commande, vous pouvez contacter notre Service client pour plus d'informations. 2. Why. As a global, independent organization, our standards team facilitates development of public health standards, and our service teams test, audit and certify products and services. Down is feathers and clusters made from the soft under plumage of geese or ducks. all! 2. For the broker through retailer segment of the supply chain, we help you mitigate risk through our comprehensive audit practice. It is exclusively certified by US-based NSF International.. A third-party audit and compliance program as outlined by this standard can help mitigate risk and expand market acceptance of your products. Please login or subscribe to see the content. In yet another sustainability milestone, ALLIED Feather & Down has completed certification to become the industry’s largest supplier of down certified under NSF International’s Global Traceable Down Standard (TDS). from the parent bird of a hatchling egg to the chick and throughout its life). All rights reserved. 82% of our line is Fair Trade Certified™ sewn. Culver Duck Farms, Inc, a vertically integrated production system that produces and processes an all-natural, White Pekin Duck, has become the first US-based farm to be certified to the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). The rigorous criteria include on-site audits to confirm full traceability of down from parent farm to final product manufacture and to verify the ethical treatment of birds throughout their lifecycle from the parent farm to slaughterhouse. 3. Your company completes the application process (which includes listing locations of all entities and manufacturing facilities in the supply chain) and submits signed documents to NSF. Certification is provided not only at the product level but as a whole to the full supply chain feeding into the product line. NSF International protects and improves global human health. Standards updates were provided on the Responsible Down Standard, the Global Traceable Down Standard, and Downpass, followed by insights from IDFL and Control Union. The standard ensures that down in garments and other household and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be transparently traced. Culver Duck Farms, Inc, a vertically integrated production system that produces and processes an all-natural, White Pekin Duck, has become the first US-based farm to be certified to the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). Please login or subscribe to see the content. Though similar to RDS, Global TDS also requires that “parent farms,” where birds are raised to produce eggs, get audited. En partageant ce que nous avons appris dans notre propre chaîne d'approvisionnement et en exposant les failles qui peuvent représenter des risques pour les animaux, nous espérons inciter les marques, les acheteurs et les producteurs de duvet à adopter des normes plus strictes et la certification Global TDS. It was launched in 2015 by NSF International, a US non-profit organization that develops and monitors standards for different companies in 156 countries worldwide. For the farm segment of the down supply chain, we have the expertise to audit and understand your process as well as provide other services relevant to your operations such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and other audit, animal welfare, training and sustainability services. As a global, independent organization, our standards team facilitates development of public health standards, and our service teams test, audit and certify products and services. Global TDS Update on Certification Webinar, NSF/ANSI 455 Standard Transition for Supplements, Cosmetics and OTCs, Dietary Supplements Training and Education, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Services, Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Certification, Best Aquaculture Practices(BAP) Certification, NSF/ANSI 305: Organic Personal Care Products, Food Safety Audits for the Packaging Industry, Global Food Safety (GFSI) Certification for the Packaging Industry, Global Food Safety (GFSI) Certification for the Processing Industry, Supermarket / Grocery Store Food Safety Services, Consulting Services for Supermarkets/Grocery Stores, Specifying GFSI Certification for Supermarkets/Grocery Stores, Storage and Distribution Industry Services, Global Food Safety (GFSI) Certification for the Storage and Distribution Industry, NSF Grade A Sea Cucumber Product Certification, Regulatory, Clinical Strategy, Support and Submissions, Public Drinking Water Equipment Performance, Slow Crack Growth/Rapid Crack Propagation, North American Code Requirements for Plumbing Products, Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry (POU/POE) Systems, Residential Drinking Water Treatment Standards, Residential Drinking Water Treatment Protocols. Traceable Down!materials! Vous n'arrivez pas à vous décider entre les vestes ? 100% of the virgin down we source was certified by NSF International to meet the Advanced Global TDS and so are our down suppliers. 2. NSF can certify all elements of the down supply chain to the new Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). chevron down. Er wurde in Zusammenarbeit von Unternehmen mit Interessenverbänden der Industrie, Tierschutzorganisationen und weiteren NGOs entwickelt und basiert weitestgehend auf dem zuvor von der Outdoor-Firma Patagonia implementierten eigenen … As of fall 2014, all of Patagonia’s down meets this 100% Traceable Down Standard. It is our hope that the standard can be used to reward and influence the down and feather industry to incentivize practices that respect the humane treatment of ducks and geese. If your organization is part of the down supply chain, certification can help you prove your commitment to animal welfare and down traceability. 64% of our fabrics this season are made with recycled materials. By providing your email address, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Create a free Patagonia account. The percentage of all virgin down we source that is certified by NSF International to meet the Advanced Global Traceable Down Standard. Overseen by NSF International , the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) monitors the down supply chain to ensure animals are being treated with decency. products,! The consumer trends perspective was presented by the brands Patagonia and The North Face as well as the NGO Four … NSF has skilled auditors in over 77 countries so your auditors are local to your countries of operation, which saves time and money. These key groups developed, defined and … Traceable!Down!standard!throughoutits!supply!chain.! Preferred down is recognized through the adherence to standards, including Textile Exchange's Responsible Down Standard (RDS) that was developed in 2014, the Global Traceable Down Standard … only! du duvet vierge que nous utilisons est certifié Global Traceable Down Standard. Traceability: The Global TDS also involves a chain of custody component that verifies that traceability systems are in place throughout the entire supply chain. Silk — so soft the material name is used as an adjective. THE GLOBAL TRACEABLE DOWN STANDARD The Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ensures that down in garments and other household and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be transparently traced. NSF’s Global Traceable Down Standard goes beyond other existing programs, which start at the hatchery, and extends animal welfare procedures to parent farms where animals typically live for at least four years and would be at greatest risk for live plucking. Er wurde 2015 von der US-amerikanischen Non-Profit-Organisation NSF International gelauncht, die weltweit in 156 Ländern für verschiedene Branchen Standards entwickelt und überprüft. Damit ist der Global Traceable Down Standard nicht nur der idealistischste der derzeit verfügbaren Standards, sondern auch weltweit anwendbar. NSF is your trusted organization in auditing, product testing and supply chain compliance. materials!verified!through!the!Traceable!Down!standard… NSF International protects and improves global human health. That distinction, plus some additional requirements, makes Global TDS slightly stricter than … We have been dedicated to protecting and improving global human health since 1944. The standard was created by Patagonia to help ensure traceability and responsibility for feather & down material. related to Fibres & fabrics, Social & environmental responsibility, Sourcing, Tout le duvet qu'utilise Patagonia est tracé de la ferme de ponte jusqu'à l'usine de vêtements pour garantir que les oiseaux qui le fournissent sont protégés par le Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS), les normes de bien-être animal et d'assurance consommateur les plus strictes qui soient. Nous vous prions de choisir si possible la livraison standard pour réduire notre impact sur l'environnement. We consider the Advanced Global TDS the … Michigan, United States – NSF Sustainability, a division of global public health organization NSF International, has certified Downlite to the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). Soyez assurés que nos partenaires de livraison continuent d'appliquer des mesures d'hygiène et de distanciation sociale strictes, pour leur propre sécurité et la vôtre. Slaughterhouses!must!beaudited!and!verified!to!the!Traceable!Down!standard.!! When you choose us, you can expect consistent, personalized service to guide you through the process. ANN ARBOR, MICH.—NSF Sustainability, a division of global public health organization NSF International, has certified Downlite to the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). Notre service client est là pour vous aider. Patagonia began working in 2007 to trace their down supply chain in the interest of sound animal welfare. Volcom is a member of the Textile Exchange and is also supporting the work to enhance and improve the RDS. Certifications & Standards: Responsible Down Standard (RDS); Global Traceable Down Standard. wholesaler! Learn More: - NSF - Global Traceable Down Standard - Patagonia Traceable Down. Il doit répondre à des critères élevés dans tous les domaines de la vie des oiseaux, et les protéger en … must! Global Traceable Down Standard. We conduct an on-site audit of the entities included in the supply chain from parent farm to final processing or the finished good manufacturing facilities. While the topic was concerning, it brought members of the industry together to better understand the risks, improve transparency, and generally mobilize to improve welfare standards and protect their reputation from this supply chain risk. Down is a byproduct of the food industry. The Global TDS is an industry-wide standard for brands and manufacturers that want to source down responsibly. Tout ce que nous fabriquons a un impact sur la planète. Once all follow-up is complete, we grant certification and list your certified products on the NSF website. For! Downlite, a major down and feather processor and supplier of responsibly-sourced performance fills to the outdoor, home furnishings and hospitality markets, is the first company certified to Global Traceable Down … These key groups developed, defined and agreed to criteria for the final standard. The Global Traceable Down Standard was developed in partnership with stakeholders from industry including down processors, manufacturers, retailers, animal welfare groups, such as Four Paws International, trade associations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We certify products to the Global Traceable Down Standard using a simple six-step process. Global Traceable Down Standard. The NSF mark assures consumers, retailers and regulators that certified products have been rigorously tested to comply with all standard … 100% of our virgin down is certified to the Advanced Global Traceable Down Standard. En savoir plus sur nos programmes de responsabilité environnementale et sociétale. No other down standard ensures animal welfare and protection from practices such as live bird plucking to increase down yield or force feeding birds for … Down!and!feather!must!notbe!removed!from!live!animals. Nous garantissons tous les produits que nous fabriquons. “Traceable” means the product’s sources are transparent, and can be followed throughout the chain (e.g. Full traceability provides assurance that conventional down has not been mixed with certified down. Certification to the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) can help your organization prove commitment to expanded animal welfare. As you can imagine, silk is great for the skin (thanks to antibacterial properties) and great for the planet (thanks to it’s complete compostability). Textile Exchange is the owner of the Responsible Down Standard, which is now merging with the Global Traceable Down Standard (TDS). Der Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) gilt als der strengste Tierschutzstandard in der Daunenindustrie. Livraison gratuite pour les commandes supérieures à €100. These standards are driving best practices in the industry. The GS1 Global Traceability Standard is intended for use across end-to-end supply chains and is relevant to all events that span the lifecycle of a traceable object, including: The transformation and processing of raw materials, ingredients, intermediate products, components and components into the product. ANN ARBOR, Mich. - With its 75-year history in standards development and certification, global public health organization NSF International has begun facilitating the development of the Recycled Material Standard (RMS) on behalf of the environmental nonprofit GreenBlue. Achetez d'occasion et réparez votre équipement grâce à Worn Wear. 5. The Global Traceable Down Standard was developed in partnership with stakeholders from industry including down processors, manufacturers, retailers, animal welfare groups, such as Four Paws International, trade associations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Content Claim Standard (CCS) Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) Organic Content Standard (OCS) Global Recycled Standard (GRS) Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) Responsible Down Standard (RDS – Supply Chain Certification) Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS – Supply Chain Certification) Responsible Wool Standard (RWS – Supply Chain Certification) NSF International has released the new Global Traceable Down Standard (GTDS) based on Patagonia's proprietary 100% Traceable Down Standard, which both organization say is more stringent than one being promoted by a consortium led by The North Face. Warum. The Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) and Responsible Down Standard (RDS) help companies demonstrate that down in garments and other household and commercial products come from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be transparently traced. Overseen by NSF International, the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) monitors the down supply chain to ensure animals are being treated with decency. 29. Nous sommes désormais en mesure de livrer dans tous les pays d'Europe. In 100% of our electricity needs in the US were met with renewable electricity. No program goes as far to assure animal welfare, and also provide a manageable process and system for certification. ABOUT RDS . Take a look at the archive to learn more about the RDS and certification in general. Under the Global Traceable Down Standard, onsite audits verify that treatment of waterfowl meets the rigorous requirements of the standard, including no force feeding or live plucking, from parent farm to slaughterhouse. Down!wholesaler!must!be!audited!and!verified!to!the!Traceable!Down!standard.! Help ensure the health and wellness of farm animals at every stage of life as well as compliance to animal welfare guidelines. The North Face brand currently has a different standard, The Responsible Down Standard, and plans to have all of its down be 100% RDS certified by 2017. Der Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ist der aktuell stärkste Tierschutzstandard in der daunenproduzierenden und –verarbeitenden Industrie. In Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir des offres exclusives, des histoires uniques, des informations sur l’activisme, des événements et bien plus encore. use! Der Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) gilt als der strengste Tierschutzstandard in der Daunenindustrie. T extile Standards & Legislation is the result of a unique partnership between MCL News & Media – the leading media platform for the textile supply chain – and the European Outdoor Group, which with over 80 brand and retail members, undertakes a number of innovative projects for the benefit of the whole European outdoor industry.. Dazu gehören unter anderem strenge Voraussetzungen in allen Bereichen der Vogelhaltung, und insbesondere der Schutz vor Zwangsfütterung und Lebendrupf. 4. The GS1 Global Traceability Standard is intended for use across end-to-end supply chains and is relevant to all events that span the lifecycle of a traceable object, including: The transformation and processing of raw materials, ingredients, intermediate products, components and components into the product. This traceable down standard was applied to a lightweight jacket in 2013 before expanding to Patagonia’s entire range last year. The Global Traceable Down Standard was developed in partnership with stakeholders from industry including down processors, manufacturers, retailers, animal welfare groups, such as Four Paws International, trade associations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Pioneering Food Safety Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. NSF Global Traceable Down Standard Standard Overview The NSF Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ensures that down in apparel, household, and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be fully and transparently traced. Nous vous offrons de réparer tout dommage dû à l’usure pour une somme modique. The NSF mark assures consumers, retailers and regulators that certified products have been rigorously tested to comply with all standard requirements. Die von Patagonia bezogenen Daunen sind lückenlos von den Elterntierfarmen bis zur Kleidungsherstellung rückverfolgbar. The Global Traceable Down Standard was developed in partnership with stakeholders from industry including down processors, manufacturers, retailers, animal welfare groups, such as Four Paws International, trade associations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The GRS is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices and chemical restrictions. 5!! Der Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ist der aktuell stärkste Tierschutzstandard in der daunenproduzierenden und –verarbeitenden Industrie. At the start of 2016, ALLIED estimated over 70% of their down had been certified by independent third parties to ensure that all down had been collected from humanely treated birds. Er wurde 2015 von der US-amerikanischen Non-Profit-Organisation NSF International gelauncht, die weltweit in 156 Ländern für verschiedene Branchen … Certification to the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) can help your organization prove commitment to expanded animal welfare. Recognized by regulatory agencies at the local, state, federal and international level, the NSF certification mark means that the product complies with all standard requirements. For … NSF can certify all elements of the down supply chain to the new Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). (RDS considers this optional.) This standard ensures that products are produced with respect for animal welfare, which is assessed during unannounced audits. Tout notre duvet traçable est suivi pour garantir que les oiseaux n'ont pas été gavés ou plumés à vif. Nous n'avons pas de limite de temps pour les retours et acceptons les produits de la saison en cours et de la saison précédente. Damit wird sichergestellt, dass die Vögel, von denen die Daunen stammen, nach dem Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS), dem strengsten Standard des Tier- und Verbraucherschutzes, geschützt sind. The Global Traceable Down Standard was developed in partnership with stakeholders from industry including down processors, manufacturers, retailers, trade associations, NGOs, and animal welfare groups such as Four Paws International — which first forced Patagonia to address cruelty in its down supply chain by campaigning against the company in 2012. © 2021 Patagonia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) is the strictest animal welfare standard in the down industry. Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable and demanding greater care of animals involved in our food systems. chevron down. These key groups developed, defined and agreed to criteria for the final standard. and! 1. The Global Recycle Standard (GRS) was originally developed by Control Union Certifications in 2008 and ownership was passed to the Textile Exchange on 1 January 2011. The NSF Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ensures that down in apparel, household, and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be fully and transparently traced. Through this Global Traceable Down Standard certification process, we have improved animal welfare practices throughout our global supply chain.” The Global TDS is an industry-wide standard for brands and manufacturers that want to source down responsibly. Down is a byproduct of the food industry. Downlite, a major down and feather processor and supplier of responsibly-sourced performance fills to the outdoor, home furnishings and hospitality markets, is the first company certified to the Global Traceable Down Standard.
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