Index performance for Hong Kong Hang Seng Index (HSI) including value, chart, profile & other market data. EPS 1,916.15. Dividend-- The current price is updated on an hourly basis with today's latest value. The weighting of each stock in the Index is capped at 8% during rebalancing. Shanghái (China), 25 feb (EFE).- El índice de referencia de la Bolsa de Hong Kong, el Hang Seng, cerró hoy con unas ganancias del 1,2 % que le permitieron superar de nuevo la barrera psicológica de los 30.000 puntos gracias a las inmobiliarias, animadas por la subida de los precios de la vivienda usada tras 3 meses seguidos de caídas. The Hang Seng Index is a freefloat-adjusted market-capitalization-weighted stock-market index in Hong Kong. Hang Seng Tech Index tracks the 31 largest tech companies listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Interactive daily chart of the Hong Kong Hang Seng Composite stock market index back to 1986. Each data point represents the closing value for that trading day and is denominated in hong kong dollars (HKD). The Index is reviewed quarterly and has an IPO fast entry rule which allows for qualified IPOs to be included in the Index shortly after listing. Hang Seng Composite Index - 30 Year Historical Chart. The Hang Seng passed the 10,000 point milestone for the first time in its history on December 10, 1993 and, 13 years later, passed the 20,000 point milestone on December 28, 2006. HANG SENG INDEX ETF : 4.83%: 14.30%-Hang Seng ... Equities - Hong Kong: HANG SENG INDEX ETF : 5.54%: 13.28%-Hang Seng ... Equities - Hong Kong: CHINAAMC HANG SENG INDEX ETF : 2.58%: 8.53%-ChinaAMC: Equities - Hong Kong: CSOP HANG SENG INDEX DAILY (... 0.00%: 0.00%-CSOP: Equities - … Untuk indeks Hang Seng berjangka bulan Maret 2021 bergerak positif dengan naik 212 poin atau 0,75% ke posisi 28597. Indeks harian Hang Seng ditutup naik 239,20 poin atau 0,84% menjadi 28.577,50, tertinggi 22 Maret. Get the components of the HANG SENG INDEX (^HSI) to help with your investment decision from Yahoo Finance Top 31 Companies on the Hang Seng Tech Index in 2021. ... 30 Day Avg Volume 3,213,096,295. From 25 January to 30 April 2021, spend with Hang Seng Credit Card at OpenRice to enjoy extra up to $50 Cash Dollars on every order during the promotion period. Bank seamlessly with Digital Banking Get a chance to win up to HKD8,000 Rewards Demikian indeks saham Cina Enterprise (HSCE) dengan 60 saham unggulan berakhir naik 0,71% menjadi 11.020,87. This stock market index comprises of companies spanning in different technology industries including internet, fintech, cloud, eCommerce, and digital activities. Hang Seng Today: Get all information on the Hang Seng Index including historical chart, news and constituents. Launched on 27 July 2020, the Hang Seng TECH Index tracks the 30 largest TECH-themed companies listed in Hong Kong.
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