(with Iris Nachum) Margherita von Brentano: Das Persönliche und das Politische, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, 2010 Neiman, who grew up as a white girl in the American South during the civil rights movement, is a Jewish woman who has spent much of her adult life in Berlin. Ph.D. The Unity of Reason: Rereading Kant, Oxford University Press, 1994 Susan Neiman, 1955 in Atlanta, Georgia, geboren, war Professorin für Philosophie an den Universitäten Yale und Tel Aviv, bevor sie im Jahr 2000 die Leitung des Einstein Forums in Potsdam übernahm.Auf Deutsch erschien von ihr zuletzt «Warum erwachsen werden? "[5] The book explores the reasons why this is so and offers a new framework for moral thinking based on Enlightenment ideas, particularly those of Kant and Rousseau, which rely neither on divine authority nor on authoritarian ideology. In Germany, she has written for Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and Freitag, among other publications. A.B., General Studies, Harvard University, 1977 Learning from the Germans, Farrar Strauss and Giroux, Penguin Books (2019) Hanser-Berlin, Lemniscaat (2020) translations forthcoming in Hebrew (Am Oved), Chinese (Post Wave), Farsi (Houpa Books) Susan Neiman,1955 in Atlanta, Georgia, geboren, war Professorin für Philosophie an den Universitäten Yale und Tel Aviv, bevor sie im Jahr 2000 die Leitung des Einstein Forums in Potsdam übernahm. Aber die Folgen sind vielfältig, sagt die in Deutschland lebende Philosophin Susan Neiman. Susan Neiman is an American moral philosopher, cultural commentator, and essayist. 1982-86, Graduate study at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, Professional Background: Die Leiterin des Potsdamer Einstein-Forums, die US-Amerikanerin Susan Neiman, hat Hoffnung, dass sich dieses Mal wirklich etwas ändert. She currently lives in Germany, where she is the Director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam. ", Festival of Philosophie, University of Leuven, 2011, "Braucht Europa ein neues Zeitalter der Aufklärung? Susan Neiman trifft Eva Illouz", Goethe-Institut Belgien, Vertretung des Freistaats Bayern bei der EU, Brüssel, 2017, "What's up America? ", Conference: Victims and Losers, Einstein Forum, 2006, "Natural Evils? ", Literaturhaus Zürich; further readings and discussion in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Bonn, Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart, Hannover, Münster, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015, "Richtiges Leben im falschen", Lindauer Psychotherapiewoche, Eröffnungsvortrag, 2015, "The Civic Challenge of Idealism", Night of Philosophy, Amsterdam, 2015, "Why Grow Up? "25 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung: Wer sind diese Deutschen Heute?". She is now a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. ", Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2012, "Reverence and Religion", Keynote address, Conference: Faith and Culture, The Wheeler Center, Melbourne 2012, "Reason in the World: A Reading of Job", Conference: Hiobs Botschaften, Einstein Forum, 2012, "Jüdisches Denken: vom Talmud zur Frankfurter Schule? Edited Books She has written extensively on the juncture between Enlightenment moral philosophy, metaphysics, and politics, both for scholarly audiences and the general public. Susan Neiman was born on March 27, 1955, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, in a Jewish family. A.M., Philosophy, Harvard University, 1981 Susan Neiman trifft Eva Illouz", Goethe-Institut Belgien, Vertretung des Freistaats Bayern bei der EU, Brüssel, 2017 "What's up America? (with Hilary Putnam and Jeffrey Schloss) Understanding Moral Sentiments: Darwinian Perspectives? [8], "How can we end the male domination of philosophy?". The book explores the period from the early Enlightenment to the late 20th century through discussions of philosophers who often figure in traditional histories of philosophy, such as Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer, as well ones who do not, such as Pierre Bayle, Sigmund Freud, Albert Camus, Emmanuel Levinas, and Hannah Arendt. ", "The Rationality of the World: A Philosophical Reading of the Book of Job,", This page was last edited on 11 March 2021, at 00:50. Transaction Press, 2014 ", Conference: Zur Parteilichkeit der Wissenschaft, Einstein Forum, 2010, "Challenging Evil", Keynote Lecture, Conference on Religion, Literature and the Arts, University of Iowa, 2010, "Victims and Heroes", The Tanner Lecture on Human Values, University of Michigan, 2010, "Progressive Politics and Morality", D66 Kenniscentrum, Amsterdam, 2009, The Pierre Bayle Lecture, Rotterdam, 2009, "Op zoek naar waarheid in de 21e eeuw", De Balie - Centre for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam, 2009, "Setting Aside Facts: Rousseau vs. Darwin", Conference: Understanding Moral Sentiments from a Darwinian Perspective, Harvard University, 2009, "War against Terror. Slow Fire, a memoir about her life as a Jewish woman in 1980s Berlin, appeared in 1992. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Neiman dropped out of high school to join the anti-Vietnam War movement. Susan Neiman. Neiman groups thinkers around two basic distinctions: one between those who believe in a guiding order beyond appearances and those who think that sensory experience is all we have for orientation; and another between those who believe we must try to understand evil and those who maintain that doing so would be immoral on the grounds that any explanation of evil would be tantamount to its justification. ", Keynote Address, Conference: Leibniz's Theodicy, Lisbon, 2012, "Werte und Politik", Diskussion mit Sigmar Gabriel, Kongress der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012, "Braucht Europa eine neue Aufklärung?" sn1150@nyu.edu. Deutscher Kongress der Philosophie, München, 2011, "Konstruierte Wahrnehmungen: das Jüdische' als Sinnstifter", Jüdisches Museum München, 2011, "Job, God, and the Problem of Evil", Hardigg Annual Lecture, Dartmouth College, 2011, "On Fear, Shame and Pride", Conference: Pride Between Arrogance and Self-respect, Einstein Forum, 2011, "Moralische Verantwortung", Conference "Wissenschaft trägt Verantwortung", Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2011, "Leitfaden für Idealisten," Fritz Bauer Institut/EXC Herausbildung normativer Ordnung, Frankfurt a.M., 2011, "Answers to Populism? ", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät, Absolventenabschlussfeier, 2016, "Böses Denken", Tafelrunde Sanssouci, Politisches Bildungsforum Brandenburg, Neue Kammern Sanssouci, 2016, "On Grown-Up Idealism", Re:Make Lectures, Kaaitheater, Brussels, 2016, "Was ist Aufklärung?" ", "Deutschland hat sich positiv verändert. Slow Fire: Jewish Notes from Berlin, Schocken Books, 1992, reprint Quid Pro Quo Books 2010, Areas of Specialization Professional Background Penguin Books, 2014, Farrar Straus and Giroux 2015, translations in German (Hanser-Berlin), Dutch (Ambo Anthos), Italian (UTET/de Agostino), Chinese (Shanghai From Lisbon to New Orleans", 2006 Berry Lecture in Ethics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, 2006, "On Envy", Conference: Evil Eyes, Einstein Forum, 2006, "What Natural Evils? She delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at the University of Michigan in 2010. Assistant and Associate Professor of Philosophy, Yale University, 1989-1996, Books: ", Die Zeit, 2014, (mit Sigmar Gabriel) "Wie wäre es mit Aufklärung? Die Debatte in Deutschland", mit Harald Welzer und Ingo Schulze, Reithalle/Hans Otto Theater, Potsdam, 2015, "Erwachsen werden", Philosophie und Politik Symposion, Siemens Stiftung, Munich 2014, "Coming of Age, Riffing on Kant", University of Leuven, Belgium, 2014, "Spinoza Prize Lecture,", Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague, Holland, 2014, "Denken über das Böse - philosophische Fragen", Das Böse denken, Symposium. ", Festvortrag, Die Junge Akademie, Berlin, 2008, "Aufklärung als Gegenwart", Konferenz: Vielfalt der Moderne-Ansichten der Moderne, Gesprächskreis des Bundespräsidenten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Schloss Bellevue, 2008, "Moral Clarity: Which Values Do We Share? In Why Grow Up, Neiman challenges the infantilism that she believes is widespread in modern society. Doch sie blieb in Berlin und erlebte hier, wie die Deutschen sich ernsthaft mit den eigenen Verbrechen auseinandersetzten: im Westen wie im Osten, wenn auch auf unterschiedliche Weise. ", Europa-Woche Hamburg, 2011, "Neuer Fortschritt", Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 2011, "Freiheit und Würde im 21. Susan Neuman Professor of Childhood and Literacy Education. Hier finden Sie Informationen zu dem Thema „US-Philosophin“. Education Susan Neiman dropped out of high school at the age of fourteen to join the anti-Vietnam War movement. "Welches Land wollen wir sein? Mit dem Buch "Von den Deutschen lernen" sorgte sie für Aufsehen. Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy, Princeton University Press, 2002 (translated into German, Turkish, Portugese, Dutch, Brazilian Portugese, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Farsi) Princeton Classics Expanded Edition, 2015, French translation forthcoming Why Grow Up? In Moral Clarity, Neiman argues that all human beings have moral needs but that secular culture, particularly on the political left, is reluctant or unable to satisfy them, and as a consequence has ceded the moral domain to religion and traditional conservatives. ", London School of Economics, 2009, "Odysseus as Hero?! Die Chefin des Potsdamer … ", Socrates Lecture, Humanistic Association Netherlands, Amsterdam 2014, "Glück, Vernunft, Ehrfurcht und Hoffnung! Learning from the Germans examines German efforts to atone for Nazi atrocities and identifies lessons for how the United States might come to terms with its legacy of slavery and racism. CV Susan Neiman werd in 1955 geboren in Atlanta. ", Oakley Center for the Humanities, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, 2008, "How to Win a Culture War", New York Institute for the Humanities, 2008, "Race and Religion in the Presidential Election", Cornel West and Susan Neiman, 92nd Street Y, New York, NY, 2008, "The Role of Philosophy in Modern Politics", The Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C., 2008, "Warum sind unsere Träume so schlecht? ", Die Zeit, 2016, "Die Deutschen sollten keine Angst haben", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2016, "What Americans Abroad Know About Bernie Sanders", Los Angeles Times, 2016, "An Enlightenment for Grownups", Spiked Review, 2016, "Deutschland hat sich positiv verändert. Kulturzeit-Gespräch mit Susan Neiman, Direktorin des Einstein-Forums Potsdam, über die Proteste gegen Rassismus in den USA. Frauenbrücke-Preises für die innere Einheit Deutschlands, 2012, Tanner Lecturer, University of Michigan, 2010, Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis der Freien Universität Berlin, 2010, Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 2006-07, American Academy of Religion Award for Excellence (Evil in Modern Thought) 2003, American Association of Publishers Scholarly and Professional Award for Philosophy (Evil in Modern Thought) 2002, Member, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, elected 2001, Research Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation Study Center at Bellagio, 2000, Senior Research Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies, 1999-2000, PEN-American Center Citation for a Distinguished First Work of Nonfiction (Slow Fire), 1993, Ribicoff Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Humanities, Yale University, 1991, Carrier Dissertation Prize, Harvard University, 1987, Heinrich Heine Stiftung für Philosophie und Kritische Wissenschaft Fellowship, 1984, Sheldon Travelling Fellowship, Harvard University, 1982, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Fellowship, 1980. „Sie ist „eine Ausnahmeerscheinung: eine Philosophin, die so schreibt und vorträgt, dass man es versteht – und darüber hinaus noch glaubhaft versichert, mit den Maximen der Aufklärung die Welt verändern zu können.“ (Cicero) Diese sogenannte zweite Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung ist eine Schande. (with Wendy Doniger and Peter Galison) What Reason Promises, De Gruyter 2016 She suggests that the "forces that shape our world" encourage consumerism, apathy, cynicism, and the fetishization of beauty and youth in order to keep citizens passive and compliant. Susan Neiman: "Die US-Demokratie ist in Gefahr!" As in Moral Clarity, Neiman draws on the work of Kant, Rousseau, Arendt, and other philosophers to argue for a concept of maturity in which thinking critically does not mean abandoning one's ideals. Books Selected Newspaper and Magazine Articles Internationales Literaturfest Poetische Quellen, Bad Oeynhausen, 2011, "Was ist Moralische Klarheit? She was interested in Simone de Beauvoir's and Jean-Paul Sartre's books. Neiman has been a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, a Research Fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation Study Center in Bellagio, and a Senior Fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies. Professor Dr. Susan Neiman ist eine amerikanische Philosophin und die Direktorin des Einstein Forums in Potsdam. Eine philosophische Ermutigung» (2015). Wie Gesellschaften mit dem Bösen in ihrer Geschichte umgehen können Aus dem Englischen von Christiana Goldmann Hanser Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2020 : "In the Humanities, Men Dominate the Fields of Philosophy and History": Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Learning from the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil, "Working Off the Past, from Atlanta to Berlin,", https://www.theguardian.com/education/2013/nov/26/modern-philosophy-sexism-needs-more-women, http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/09/09/philosophy_has_a_woman_problem_let_s_try_to_figure_out_why.html, http://chronicle.com/article/Men-Dominate-Philosophy-and/135306/, https://www.amphilsoc.org/blog/election-new-members-2018-spring-meeting, Making Progress: Rethinking Enlightenment, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Susan_Neiman&oldid=1011461063, Members of the American Philosophical Society, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. ", Nacht van de Filosofie, Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, 2011, "Rights to Happiness? Perspectives on the United States and Transatlantic relations", Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Tipi am Kanzleramt, Berlin, 2016, "Verantwortung für die Vergangenheit? Fremde sehen anders. Sinds 2000 is ze directeur van Einstein Forum in Potsdam, een instelling die het maatschappelijke en intellectuele debat wil bevorderen. and Conference Papers ", Hannah-Arendt-Tage, Hannover, 2005, "Moral Clarity", Simone Weil Annual Lecture in Moral Value, Australian Catholic University, Sidney and Melbourne, 2005, "On Comparing Nazism and Communism", Conference: Open Wounds, Einstein Forum, 2005, "Before the Gallows", The Thomas More Annual Lecture, Amsterdam, 2005, "60 Jahren Nach dem Potsdamer Abkommen", Conference: Paradigm Potsdam: Vorbild für Demokratie?, Einstein Forum, 2005, "Responses" at Conference: On Neiman's Evil in Modern Thought, University of Texas, Austin, 2005, "Philosophical Questions", A Conference on Evil: Dialogue Among Psychoanalysts, Philosophers, and Theologians, The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health, New York, 2005, "Fundamentalism in Europe and America: Notes After Terror", Singelkierk, Amsterdam, 2004, "Brauchen wir eine neue Aufklärung? Jahrhundert",; 10. - Der Irakkrieg in der Kunst" Diskussion, Kunsthalle Wien, 2009, "The Good Society: Virtues for a Post-Recession World", Keynote Discussion, Battle of Ideas, London, 2009, "Deutschlandbilder - Innen und Außenansichten", Internationale Demokratiekonferenz Leipzig, Demokratie im 21.Jahrhundert - Bilanz und Perspektive, 2009, "Against Resignation: the Seduction of Pessimism", The Sentience Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey, 2009, "Making Progress: Rethinking Enlightenment", The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), London, 2009, "What Makes Heroes? Selected Newspaper and Magazine Articles: "What is Owed: Reparations and Reconciliation". Kurzbiografie. Politik und IdealistInnen?". Neiman belongs to a small number of women who have risen to public prominence in the male-dominated field of philosophy.[1][2][3]. Susan Neiman: Ja. Lesen Sie jetzt „Susan Neiman sieht Umgang mit Nazizeit als Vorbild“. Susan Neiman: Nein, aber es gibt noch immer Reste des obrigkeitsstaatlichen Denkens, die mich ärgern. "Notwendigkeit und Grenzen von Toleranz". ", Die Zeit, 2020, "Aufarbeitung ist keine Impfung", taz, 2020, "Working off the Past from Atlanta to Berlin", New York Review of Books, 2019, "There are no nostalgic Nazi Memorials", Atlantic Monthly, 2019, "The President of our Country is Evil", Salon, 2017, "In Germany, Monuments Reflect the Nation's Values", Miami Herald, 2017, "Anti-Modernismus: Die Quelle allen Unglücks? ", Dartmouth Conference, The Fannie and Alan Leslie Center for the Humanities at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 2004, "Terrorism and Moral Judgment", Conference: Terrorism, International Law and the Bounds of Democracy, Einstein Forum, 2004, Member, Grundwertekommission der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (Commission on the Basic Values of the Social Democratic Party Germany), Member, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Stiftung Garnisonkirche (Academic Commission of the Garrison Church Foundation), Member, Jury, Potsdamer Nachwuchsforschungspreis (Potsdam Young Researchers' Prize), Member, Board of Advisers, Allianz Kulturstiftung, Member, Jury, Postdoc Prize des Landes Brandenburg, Member, Board of Advisers, Goethe-Institut, Member, Board of Advisers, Eurozine, European Network of Cultural Journals, Member, Board of Scholars, Facing History, Volkmar and Margret Sander Prize, Deutsches Haus, New York University, 2019, American Philosophical Society, elected 2018, International Spinoza Prize, The Netherlands, 2014, Ehrendoktor (Honorary Doctorate), University of Sankt Gallen, 2014, Goldene Ehrennadel des 7. She is the director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam, Germany and a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. ", Festansprache auf dem Bundeskongress des Freien Deutschen Autorenverbandes, Hotel Kaiserin Augusta, Weimar, 2004, "Terror und Folter", Dialogue with Wolfgang Thierse, President of the German Parliament, Katholische Akademie in Berlin, 2004, "Evil After Kant", Humanities Without Boundaries lectures, The Center for the Humanities, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004, "The Liberal Education: Dead or Alive? Der Antisemitismusbeauftragte der Bundesregierung wirft dem Historiker Achille Mbembe vor, … What Is Philosophy's Problem With Women? The book brings together historical and philosophical analysis; interviews with politicians, activists, and contemporary witnesses in Germany and the United States; and Neiman's own first-person observations as a white woman growing up in the South and a Jewish woman who has lived for almost three decades in Berlin. Zufall war das nicht. Susan Neiman: President [Barack] Obama’s eulogy for the nine people massacred in Charleston seemed to really be a moment where an American Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung had … ", Tagesspiegel, 2016, "The Rationality of the World: A Philosophical Reading of the Book of Job", by Susan Neiman, ABC Religion and Ethics, 2016, "Hört auf, Antisemiten zu zählen! Lessons of Lisbon", Keynote Lecture, Conference: O Grande Terramoto de Lisboa: Ficar Diferente, Universidade de Lisboa, 2005, "Die Beste aller Welten? Die Debatte in Deutschland", "Denken über das Böse - philosophische Fragen", "Zwischen Verheißung und Enttäuschung - Wie weiter mit Europa?". Philosophy, Harvard University, 1986 Im Interview erzählt sie, warum – …
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